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What it means to not take your life for granted

by Rooke

What if I told you I had one trillion US dollars, and I will give it to you, YES, YOU... In exchange for not waking up tomorrow?

You'd probably not accept the offer, am I right? But it's one trillion! That would make you the world's richest person, and by a huge margin! One trillion US dollars today could afford you comfortable life in Antarctica, or even grant you access to outer space for the rest of your life!

You'd probably still deny it.

So the lesson learned here is that no matter how much you've won or lost today, there is always still tomorrow. Learn to appreciate that you'd be able to wake up tomorrow, to live, breathe, and coexist with the rest of the world.

P.S. : The main idea of this work was borrowed from another creator on YouTube. I forgot their name, since it has been almost a year (I think), but special thanks to this person for inspiring me!

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Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:37 pm
kagehana13 wrote a review...

Hello! I don't know if you will see this, but I really liked this.

It's short, but it really packs a punch (a good punch). It really makes you think about the importance of living your life to the fullest every single day. One trillion dollars is a lot, more than anyone in the world has. You could be the richest person in the world, but you wouldn't wake up tomorrow. This story showcases the importance of just living and experiencing things, and I enjoyed it. We need more positivity in the world, so this is perfect. Good job on this piece! Keep writing! :)

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Reviews: 7

Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:03 am
veranet wrote a review...

Hi! I don't know when you will see this but I liked this story.

It's short and sweet. It provides us with a rhetorical question that pulls your readers in! Honestly, it's what pulled me in.

I want to propose a contradicting opinion though. What if I said yes? Hypothetically, if you were having a rough time and a tough life because I mean it's what life is right? You'd accept maybe for your family or your unwillingness to live. It doesn't show the under-appreciation of the value of our life, but moreover the way life is and being realistic because life is far from perfect. Most people spend everyday just trying to get by that day.

I did really like how you showed a good theme though at the end and completely understand that it was the whole moral of the story. I did enjoy it though short it was good! It's a good concept and topic to go on about. I just wanted to give my input onto the theme, but overall cute story.

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Sat Jan 04, 2025 9:46 pm
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EllieMae wrote a review...

This is a really interesting concept, and I enjoyed reading through this piece of yours. Basically, you are saying that, at the end of the day, our experiences and being alive, are more important than accomplishments. You give this example of how we could be given $1 trillion, but never live to experience it. Is it really worth it, if you aren't even there to see everything that you could do with that money? No, to me, it is not. Of course, that money would be amazing, but if I'm not even here to be able to use it to do good things, what is the point.

What if I told you I had one trillion US dollars, and I will give it to you, YES, YOU... In exchange for not waking up tomorrow?

^^ this is a really good hook sentence! I was intrigued by the title, but this first line drew me in even more. You were speaking directly to us, which was really cool. I like how you continue by listing some things that this money would grant us, like being the richest person in the world, or being able to live comfortably anywhere we want. It's tempting, but then you remember that you wouldn't actually get to experience any of this. Of course, this is a hypothetical situation that would never actually happen, but I think the thoughts behind it is just as important. I think this can be applied to a lot of things in the real world, too. For example, some people work, their whole lives in a job that they hate just to get more and more money, but they never use the money for good, or they never do things and make them happy.

So the lesson learned here is that no matter how much you've won or lost today, there is always still tomorrow. Learn to appreciate that you'd be able to wake up tomorrow, to live, breathe, and coexist with the rest of the world.

I really like this kind of positivity and inspiration. It's not trying to make bad things seem like they could be things that we can be grateful for, but it's purely stating that the chance to live is something that I can be grateful for. I could be the richest person in the world, but have nothing. Instead, I have pains that I go through but they are how I truly learn to be alive. Thanks so much for posting this! I really liked it.

Keep writing!
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