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16+ Mature Content

Simply Needed Help

by AndyPinesPoetry

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for mature content.

I am ashamed

I am afraid

They’ll think I’m crazy

That I’ve gone insane

I belong in the looney bin!

But no

This is not the case

I simply needed help


All this mental talk

From my peers, my instructors

Even my parents, and my sister…

I cannot make it known

If I do, how would they take it?

I’m a freak?

I’m a psycho?

Please try to understand…

I simply needed help


We talk about my life

At school, at church, at home

My relationships and their impact

We talk about how my mental health is becoming

But I cannot tell them

Because they think we talk of not-so-good things

Like drugs, and suicide

But guys…

I simply needed help


All this talk has my head spinning round

But keeping this secret is not the way to go

Because I look around me and notice

Others are struggling too

So I will take a step to normalize

To stop this negative talk

To normalize this topic

To show we should not be afraid

You cannot make me feel bad about it



Yes, I go to therapy,

So does she, and her, and him

And you may be set on believing we’re CrAzY

But we’re not

That’s not the case

I hope one day you’ll look back and realize

What we’ve been saying all along

We’re normal people just like you…

We simply needed help.

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20 Reviews

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Reviews: 20

Wed Sep 04, 2024 11:29 pm
theromanticchemist wrote a review...

Hi! I'm coming in with a review for this great poem :) Happy RevMo!
First of all, I love how this poem is destigmatizing therapy and getting help. I commend you for that, because it really gets the message across nicely. There are a few things I would change, but of course this is all up to you in the end.
First, I feel like the connotation of the term “looney bin” sounds a bit more funny or lighthearted, which doesn’t really fit with the tone of the poem. From what I can tell, you’re trying to make a serious message about destigmatizing mental health help, but “looney bin” kind of takes you out of it. It made me stop and wonder if that was the right word choice. You also use an exclamation mark at the end of that line, too, so it seems like it’s supposed to be humor but it doesn’t fit with the rest of the poem.
The same goes for how you spelled “crazy”, as Century mentioned. If you want to say that calling the narrator crazy is stupid, quotation marks would overall fit better.
This is overall such a good poem, and it really made me think about how we demonize going to therapy. The way you phrase the repeated lines at the end of the stanzas--”simply needed help”--shows getting help for what it is: Simple. Some people need help, and that’s simple. I think you got that across really clearly. You also gave me a lot of empathy for the narrator, which is a talent. Bravo! 👏

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47 Reviews

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Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:18 pm
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chrysanthemumcentury wrote a review...

hi, ku

Hello, andy! century here to review this wonderful poem using my own melancholia induced by my lack of self method! Let's dive in.

i've been writing the same thing over and over
first impressions

immediately, i noticed that you used shorter lines, in bursts. like you're pleading/crying out, trying to tell someone that you just need a little help. which, i think, is beautiful.

italicizing the phrase "i simply needed help" over and over created a really nice repetition in my eyes, and as you got further in the poem you ended up capitalizing it and bolding it, which i found really emphasized how you were speaking.

i feel like these stanzas all vary drastically however. 1 & 2 feel very odd whem next to 3 & 4 & 5. Although, I guess it could be seen as explaining why you needed help, instead of crying out for it.

mundane everyday routine i never get bored of

i really enjoyed this poem! i do believe that we need to remove stigma surrounding therapy, as it can actually be really helpful for some people.

i loved the last 2 stanzas. "I SIMPLY NEEDED HELP" and "We simply needed help." were a stark contrast to the others. The 1st one felt like a final call. a final scream for someone to listen. but they don't. and that leads you to the 2nd one, which is formatted less like a seperate part from the stanza and more like it was the thing you had been trying to say, but nobody heard until then.

jumbled up words
critiques/room for improvement

i feel as if this poem is not meant to be as light-hearted as it comes across. i.e "CrAzY". You could, instead, utilize quotation marks.

and you may be set on believing we're "crazy"

of course, this is all a stylistic choice, and it's ultimately up to you.

final notes

i really loved this poem, and how it slowly destigmatizes therapy. i feel like i should read more of your works now :3

~Don't stop writing!~

You're wrong about humanity. They are your greatest creation because they're better than you are. Sure, they're weak, and they cheat and steal and destroy and disappoint, but they also give and create, and they sing and dance and love. Above all, they never give up.
— Metatron