YWS'tival Calendar
Hello and welcome to the YWS'tival Calendar! This is where you'll find a brief overview on the events which will be taking place, but as the week progresses, there will be updates and reminders on the club page so please subscribe!
If you haven't yet heard of the YWS'tival, then where on earth have you been? Go here for more details!
All Week
Sky Pirates vs Sky Ninjas
The Storybook crew would like to invite you to take part in an age-old battle to distinguish once and for all who the fiercest fighters this side of the universe are!
Post the Best Poem You've Ever Read!
The lovely ladies SparkOfDoubt and Hannah want to know what is the best poem you have ever read!
Post Your Points Away Sunday
The Gen. Lit. team kick off the YWStival with an epic day of gifting and lit-work posting!
All Day Activities - Give people gifts! Post lit works! Play games! Chat about fiction! The aim is to end the day with no points - I want to see those screenshots!
Chat Events -
3pm GMT - Cadi and JabberHut - Flash Fiction Frenzy
9pm GMT - Blues and JabberHut - Mass Word Wars
Review 'Em All Back Monday
No points? Join the YWS Staff in reviewing back your points! Can you get the exact number you had on Sunday? Provide a screenshot to be in with a chance of being the Sir or Dame of review!
All Day Activities - Review works! Welcome members! Greet new members on their wall! Make a new friend!
Rhyme and Reason Tuesday
Join the Poetry Crew for an amazing day of poetry challenges and Teasers!
All Day Activities - Submit poetry! Poetry Chinese Whispers! Poetry challenges and contests! Poetry teasers!
Chat Events -
10:30pm GMT - Rydia - Poetree Games
Halfway There Wednesday
Join the YWS Staff for a day of debating and randomosity and debating randomosity!
All Day Activities - Join a debate! Post in Randomosity! Post in In The News!
Know-It-All Thursday
Join the Resources Crew for a super day of word wars and writing games! Will you be the winner of the research race? Come play!
All Day Activities - Post in Writing Activities! Give writing tips! Visit the Knowledge Base! Tourist Exchange Center! Useful Writing Clubs
Chat Events -
AlfredSymon and Kyllorac - Research Races (11:00 am GMT and 2 PM GMT)
Tenyo and Shino - Word Wars
Casual Friday
End the week by kicking back with the Storybook Crew. Why not type up that post you've been meaning to get to for a bazillion years or sign up for a new storybook?
All Day Activities - Post in The Lounge! Join a Storybook! Post in Storybooks! Create a Storybook!
Chat Events -
11pm GMT - Rydia - Sky Pirates vs Sky Ninjas Final Showdown
Grand Finale of the First YWStival Saturday
The week is over, what could we possibly have in store for the final day? Wouldn't you like to know!
Points: 6235
Reviews: 2631