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Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:26 pm
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PKMichelle says...

Hello to whoever checks this out.

I've been writing a lot recently (not that well) and just wanted to find a community I could share it with and receive encouraging feedback from. I do, however, have a problem with starting a project and never finishing it, so I'm kind of hoping this will hold me to actually completing a few things. It's also a great opportunity to meet other writers, and something I'm very grateful to have the ability to use.

There's a lot going on on this website and quite a bit to explore, so I'm going to do that now. I can't wait to meet some new people and figure all of this out, but I just wanted to say hi before I did it. So hi!
Fear of curiosity kills the cat... slowly

~Brian Spellman


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545 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 41733
Reviews: 545
Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:34 am
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Liminality says...

Hi there! Nice to meet you - I'm Lim. Welcome to the site!

Finishing writing projects can definitely be challenging. I myself have tons of unfinished word docs lurking in my files. But there are fun clubs and activities here that help with writing accountability such as the 23in23 Support Group.

Hope you enjoy YWS!

Edit: Oops and here is also the link to the FAQs of the 23in23 Support group that explain how it works, if you're interested (don't mind the fact that it says 22in22, the number thing changes by the year but the basic idea is the same :))

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If you have a dream, you have a duty to make it come true.
— Marco Pierre White