YWS Scavenger Hunt 2024
Event Results
Thank you to our creative and thorough detectives who searched ever nook and corner of YWS to find the answers to our Olympic Scavenger Hunt. The search was of the highest difficulty, with participants being asked to listen carefully to ancient YWS Radio Shows, go on a wild pig chase for Tuddy the YWS Pig, count through hundreds of reviews, and also turn back the pages of history to the most important YWS Events and Occasions (like the beginning of classified and the chicken genre!) Ultimately the search paid off and each person who entered managed to impress me by their knowledge of the site and ability to find these hard hidden answers. I hope each person who participated had fun and learned something new.
Question 1 had to be thrown out because I realized I don't think even I am 100% sure of the answer. I will also plainly admit that the final question was a total trick question. But I won't be revealing my intended answer in case it's used in a future hunt!
Without further ado let's go to our podium winners!
Taking home the Bronze Medal in the Scavenger Hunt, representing their team "Friendly Fiends" was ....
Omni (66 points)
Omni (66 points)
Boasting the Silver Medal in the Scavenger Hunt, representing their team "Feathered Friends" was ...
WeepingWisteria (69 points)
WeepingWisteria (69 points)
and earning the Gold Medal, answering for the first time in Scavenger Hunt History, every single question correctly and earning a few bonus points on the side, representing "Feathered Friends" was ...
KateHardy (78 points)
KateHardy (78 points)
For the full list of point results - check out the spoiler below! You each did wonderfully and really impressed me with your search skills. Thank you so much for participating, I really appreciate it!
Spoiler! :
Points: 145925
Reviews: 1249