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an exploration of hope;

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Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:47 pm
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quitecontrary says...

"Where despair struck pure otherness and created something sublime."

Spoiler! :
The quote is from The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, and the picture is of Jules Breton's The Song of the Lark.
Last edited by quitecontrary on Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:58 pm
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quitecontrary says...

1. (draft) Two sides of a coin

"It's such a shame," my weary thoughts concede,
"that a single coin flip should decide your whole day.
Your pulse is weak every moment preceding
that space of a flip--like a turbulent airway.

You never did muse through that handy trick
of catching the coin the second it lands.
Now your shoes are wet from searching through the crik
and the coin has flipped; fear has the upper hand.

You trouble with fate and chances slim
but what's holding you back is your wit so dim.
Turn on the light and have a look around,
maybe you'll find the answer's quite sound.

Anxiety and hope; two sides of a penny
that never did follow the rules of the game.
They won't stay the flip but they'll charge you plenty
their forces nigh impossible to grasp or tame.

Simply take back the cash and don't deal yourself in,
perhaps losing your luck is in reality, a win."

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Sat Apr 03, 2021 3:08 pm
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Liminality says...

Ohh that's such an interesting idea! I love the metaphor of anxiety and hope being a matter of coin tosses, and then the twist in the final couplet is super interesting and insightful. "don't deal yourself in" is a powerful phrase as well.

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Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:27 pm
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quitecontrary says...

2. Bee Sting

Fickle truth leaps out of my care,
like a jack rabbit it taunts me
with wide eyes and a dauntless stare.

Sleep is no master of the hare,
whose brain's like a hive of bees.
Fickle truth flies out of my care.

To solve the termite riddle I'll ne're
but I trace gnawed paths in threes
with wide eyes and a dauntless stare.

My wager's a heavy load to bear,
it hangs by my waist, this pouch of leaves
fickle truth dies with ne'er a care.

With mortar and pestle I grind thin air
tears mingle with the sap it bleeds;
the white lies face my dauntless stare.

Bees sting but wasps tear
and swollen skin does naught but agree;
Fickle old you! leap out of my care
with wide eyes and a dauntless stare.

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Mon Apr 05, 2021 3:16 pm
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quitecontrary says...

3. To a broken heart

Shhh. It's okay.
Those broken pieces on the floor?
They aren't you anymore.
I know it's hard to leave your past
to stop and reflect instead of
sit and regret.
I cup your tears in my palm and what do I see?
From this water, you can grow a seed.
And look! there it is,
not scattered on the floor,
but in your chest, as before.
The reason it hurts so much
is because you haven't let the soil settle;
calm those heavy breaths with me,
and don't try to uproot the tree.
All these staples and tape
will only pollute the land
and bring about weeds.

Let's give this broken heart to time,
and salute the new growth.
Soon shall tendrils begin to climb--
with plenty of tears and plenty of sun--
and as a knight carries his banner for his love,
so too will you when your heart you have won.

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Mon Apr 05, 2021 9:01 pm
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quitecontrary says...

4. Go

I yearn so to leave--
weaned on love and wolf's milk
my bones are strong
and the skin of my paw is thick.

more than blood
I reach for tumbling, foaming water
I ache to be scratched
by heavy thorns and rough-hewn stone

my coat so thick
from snowy mountains and glaciers
my ears twitch
at the sound of your running feet

you couldn't imagine
the colors I have felt against my eyelids
and the thousands
of insect bites that made me love you all the more

give me everything you own
and leave not your greatest secrets to explorers or scientists
leave them to the truth seekers and the wild beasts of people
the only ones who can love you fully, though they lack love themselves

death in your arms would be a sad farewell,
but cradled so I would know my place
and in knowing, finally I could and would
bestow love to the humanity in me

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Tue Apr 06, 2021 3:23 pm
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quitecontrary says...

5. An Unfulfilled Wish

Sing a lullaby to a child,
with tenor soft and sweet;
and my gaze shall still, turn mild
and sympathize with thee.

For twice now your cloven sadness
has turned my thoughts away;
but child, gone your gladness
has molded my heart of clay.

Lovely as the meadows
your soulful eyes met mine:
when once the dark, grim shadows
the light could not divine.

As much my words I wish
to ease your sorrowful song,
yet I've nothing left to bliss
for winter has stayed quite long.

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Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:54 pm
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quitecontrary says...

6. (draft) Hospitality

Fizzy earth drowns and gorges me
as I collapse on new green grass.
The stars are sleeping bees in limbo
and the emptiness between them
is a lovely quilted window.

My heartbeat's grafted on your scratchy skin
and your slow growth comforts tired lungs.
Space has crowned me queen
along with every other peeping violet
and stunning blade of green.

Moments escape reality
as I tread on your hospitality;
agree with me, just for a while,
and the stars in your eyes
will twinkle--false crocodile.

To both be so full of shallow
and overflowing with hollow air;
you can't help but think 'useless,'
and I'd halfway agree if my heart
wasn't making room for tripling kindness.

We'll twirl dandelion chains,
talk of beauty and vain glory,
but your open door is rarely
your only barrier, and the tea granted
has been steeped just barely.

Warm hospitality cures me
of my scuba-diving mind.
Fishy thoughts drawn back to the light
(though rainbow-hued by nature)
no longer have a current to fight.

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Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:59 pm
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Spearmint says...

Hi there, quitecontrary!! Thanks for the likes on my poems <3 I can't believe I didn't subscribe to your thread after reading your wonderful first poem, so sorry about that! ^^' Anyways I just wanted to say that these poems are beautiful, and I love the way they all flow so smoothly! Your poem "Bee Sting" is super neat too, with the way it repeats phrases like "fickle truth" and "wide eyes and a dauntless stare." And "With mortar and pestle I grind thin air" is such a creative and vivid piece of imagery! Great job with these, and keep up the awesome work!! ^-^

Edit: I just read your most recent poem, and it's incredible too! I especially like the line "The stars are sleeping bees in limbo"-- it's a really original way to describe the stars!! C:
Last edited by Spearmint on Fri Apr 09, 2021 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
mint, she/her

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Fri Apr 09, 2021 12:22 am
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quitecontrary says...

thank you @Spearmint!! Sometimes my poems just start out as fragments and I have to piece them together which makes rhythm a lot harder xD But I'm really glad you liked "Bee Sting", that was one I really struggled with flow on (:

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Sat Apr 10, 2021 7:50 pm
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quitecontrary says...

7. background noise

The power of your storyteller's song
entrances us more than the tale
rhythms like a collapsing waterfall
tune like a bird in flight

the whispers sharper
than the hiss of a sword
shouts unlike anything
our hands can wield

and when your words trip down
a tumbling and clattering train track
and the rushing wheels loose traction--
There's glory in your insanity
in the way your words lose meter

Why this dementia?
Why this lapse in logic?
You forget your daughter
but she knows your voice
and when you call out in fright,
the once helpless princess
eases your distress

Your last words
as they crumble at your lips--
the whispers sharper
than the hiss of a sword,
shouts more commanding
than the seasons--
she'll cherish them gratefully

those worn-out inflections

the kettle's steaming and screaming
but nothing can overpower these breaths
these last gifts of life
they float

and fall until

they're gone

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Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:11 am
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quitecontrary says...

8. Bottled Hope

Bottled hope for I
and every child;
but naught to the adults
who've left us behind

We've never made it ourselves
--canned hope that sitting turns stale;
Adults throw theirs away
once spring cleaning comes round

But it comes packaged neatly
"Your own unsprung opportunity!"
Adults know better
than to hang around long

Factory produced and quality guaranteed
but the quality sure ain't premium;
Adults check the facts
and know the sweet jam doesn't last

Quality hope--bottled and stored
for children like thneeds
What's the good
of "homemade" advertising
when the only hope left
just isn't free?

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Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:28 am
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Spearmint says...

Omg I know I already commented on your thread but I just have to say, I love the Lorax reference here!! “thneeds” yup yup yup!! XD And excellent point— what kind of quality exactly does “quality guaranteed” mean? Hehe okay that’s it for this comment, have a wonderful day/night!! ^-^
mint, she/her

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Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:27 pm
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quitecontrary says...

:DD I'm so glad you caught that @Spearmint! have a wonderful day/night too!

9. For When Faith is Lost

Truth drags comet-trails over my head
In majestic fireworks and stained-glass skies
but my arms carry a much heavier weight
though little-known, my heart harbors its bed

My eyes are fixated on my shoes
when the world goes on above
but on the chains that bind my wrists
lies nestled a little grey dove

After all, hope is a bird, not a machine
and like me it feeds on love
We both worry to much for the skies
and our dreams are nothing to speak of

So it's this we ask--our daily bread
and when shoes fall tattered aside
we'll go on barefoot to reach the future
for all our pains we've always bled

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Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:16 pm
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quitecontrary says...

10. Wood Shavings

We who prize perfection
would forget our own rough edges
and whittle away at the smoothest curves--
too ashamed to share our troubles;
too wrapped up to see
we are whittling ourselves into infinity.

The only distinction that makes one a hero is constantly fighting back your villain arc.
— RangerofIthilien