
Young Writers Society

Spooky Review Day! (October 2023)

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245 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 22538
Reviews: 245
Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:26 pm
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Spearmint says...

Spooky Review Day
Starts on
^ Automatically adjusted to your local time


What is a Review Day?
Near the end of some months, we review as many works as possible with the aim of completely clearing out the Green Room! We also have a goal this month of 100 reviews written in total. During a Review Day, no new works can be added, so we can focus on our reviewing festivities!

But Wait, There's More! Review Teams!
In addition, you can optionally choose to participate in a team. There's two of them this month, and you sign up by clicking the red "Join a review team" button on the front page. The teams compete based on how many collective points they earn. This means that the winning team is not necessarily the team with the most reviews!

Quality > Quantity
Always remember, it's better to write one good review than to write 4 low-quality reviews. Not only will you earn more points, but you'll be more helpful as well!

Spam Makes Puppies and Kittens and Baby Chickens Cry
Please remember, do not write any spam reviews as they do not help the author and can even count negatively towards your team's point count! More information about How to Avoid Review Spam.

Not Sure Where To Start For Your Reviews?
Check out the YWS'More Review Method!

To the Green Room!!!!
mint, she/her

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1227 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 144125
Reviews: 1227
Fri Oct 27, 2023 4:22 pm
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alliyah says...

Feel free to use this Review Template if you want to be extra spooky today!


Happy Spooktober Review Day!

Greetings Spooky Friend! Trick or Treat! I am here with a Spooktober Themed Review for you!

Knock, Knock, Who's There? (MY INTERPRETATION)

I want to start with my interpretation of your piece...


Here are 3 Tricks or Tips that I think would make your piece even more spooktacular in my opinion:





I want to close by highlighting three aspects I thought were treats in your piece: (3 compliments or highlights)




Have a Spooktacular Day!

Code: Select all
[scary]Happy Spooktober Review Day![/scary][/center]

Greetings Spooky Friend! Trick or Treat! I am here with a [url=https://www.youngwriterssociety.com/viewtopic.php?t=114774]Spooktober Themed Review[/url] for [i]you[/i]!

[bebas]Knock, Knock, Who's There? (MY INTERPRETATION)[/bebas]
I want to start with my interpretation of your piece...

Here are 3 Tricks or Tips that I think would make your piece even more spooktacular in my opinion:

[color=orange][icon]circle[/icon][/color] TRICK ONE:

[color=purple][icon]circle[/icon][/color] TRICK TWO:

[jm][icon]circle[/icon][/jm] TRICK THREE:

I want to close by highlighting three aspects I thought were treats in your piece: (3 compliments or highlights)

[color=orange][icon]circle[/icon][/color] TREAT ONE:

[color=purple][icon]circle[/icon][/color] TREAT TWO:

[jm][icon]circle[/icon][/jm] TREAT THREE:

[scary]Have a Spooktacular Day![/scary]
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

I didn't want to slow time, I just wanted to make a little rock.
— MomoMajesty's brother