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Squills 2/10/13: YWS'tival Coverage

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Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:55 pm
AlfredSymon says...


The thread you've stumbled into is the equivalent of a YWS newspaper, with each post in this thread being a news article. The focus of this paper is to give out a summary on the happenings of YWS at any given day and special features which tell about the new trends in YWS and current events. This feature runs all week long, featuring special coverage during events and certain occasions.

All members are welcome to submit their own news items. Keep in mind that all postings must comply with the YWS rules.

If you're an avid reader and want to pitch in or advertise or a concerned YWSer who wants to comment or ask us, then do so in the office at the Reader's Corner down below.

Reader's Corner
Spoiler! :
Submitting Articles
Submissions will be taken over the span of the day. Tomorrow, this thread will be locked and a new one will take its place. Anyone can post a news article or column as long as the topic is new, fresh, current and about the YWS or writing, art and humanities, is family-friendly and follows YWS rules.

Shameless Plugs
Why not advertise your newly constructed blog, your recent literary submission or your newest thread here at Squills? Just PM AlfredSymon and we can quote your advertisement for you as a shameless plug!

Letters to the Editor
Have any questions, comments or sggestions? Then share them to us please and let it be answer in public for all the readers' ease :D ! Please PM AlfredSymon for any letters for the editor.

Be a regular!
Just contact AlfredSymon if you want to be part of the creative staff!

Creative Staff
Spoiler! :
Technical Adviser: Griffinkeeper

Editor-in-Chief: AlfredSymon
General Correspondent: SparkofDoubt
Literary Correspondent: StellaThomas

Columnist: Clarity
Community Reporter: ShadowVyper
News Reporter: megsug

Comic Artist: Cspr
Need some feed? Then read some! Take a look at today's Squills at In the News.

The Tatterdemalion takes a tattle!

"Stories are like yarn; just hold on to the tip and let the ball roll away"

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Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:33 pm
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AlfredSymon says...

YWS'tival Grand Opening

The YWS'tival, operated by the whole mod squad and Nate, headed by SparkofDoubt and Shino, opens today, February 10, 2013, with Post Your Points Sunday.

The celebration of the Big Awesome Festival is in line with February's Valentine's Day and the Lunar New Year, thus YWSers could celebrate YWS's booming activity this month with these two in a week-long marathon of activities and games.

The many organizers of the YWS'tival shared to us that the activity is not only for a specific member, but for everyone in YWS. Each day, the YWS'tival will open up different activities and games encompassing a specific topic. To find out, why not join and actively participate at the YWS'tival yourself!
Need some feed? Then read some! Take a look at today's Squills at In the News.

The Tatterdemalion takes a tattle!

"Stories are like yarn; just hold on to the tip and let the ball roll away"

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Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:36 am
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AlfredSymon says...

Shameless Plugs

Griffinkeeper wrote:A Message from the YWS Fleet...


Squills wrote:Wanted: Comics Coordinator, someone who can commit on communicating with comic artists in and out of YWS to let us post their comics here, at Squills. PM AlfredSymon if you're interested.
Need some feed? Then read some! Take a look at today's Squills at In the News.

The Tatterdemalion takes a tattle!

"Stories are like yarn; just hold on to the tip and let the ball roll away"

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Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:55 am
megsug says...

YWStival: All Week
The epic, week long battle will begin with the Sky Pirates vs Sky Ninjas storybook.
What's the best poem you have ever read? Post it! Hannah and SparkofDoubt want to know!
Both of these event hold great promise!

Post Your Points Away Sunday
Today starts off the first day of the YWStival! The point of ‘Post Your Points Away Sunday’ is to end the day with zero points. Play games in the Writing Activities forum and discuss fiction in the Fiction Discussion and Tips forum. Use this converter to find the time for your own timezone.

Along with the fun that will be going on all day, there will be two chatting events. The first, taking place at 3pm GMT, will be a Flash Fiction Frenzy, and the second, taking place at 6pm GMT, will be the battle field of the Mass Word Wars. Both events promise great fun.

The entire event calendar can be found here.

Get ready to post!
Last edited by megsug on Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:05 am
wordsandwishes says...

Storybook Spotlight

Good morning/evening/afternoon (depending on what time-zone you're in) readers!

Today's Storybook Spotlight shines on 'The Conflict'; a seemingly endless war between chaos and control over the use of magic.

Now, one might find this an interesting read based on how the battle is fought:

Spoiler! :
They agreed that every thousand years a battle should be waged to determine if the seal should be removed or renewed. The time for the first battle has arrived and the two factions are at truce while they prepare for the battle. The rules of the combat are simple each side sends forward three combatants. Each side must then do battle until one side concedes defeat. The limit is three days of combat if one side has not achieved victory it is the "impartial" judges decision.

...the unique spin on the three main races: elves, dwarves, humans. And the magical classes they are divided into: creators, engineers, and manipulators.

These three things make this SB beautifully unpredictable, and deffinently a must-read.

Best wishes to all those involved in the SB!


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Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:42 am
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AlfredSymon says...

Comics Break


by Cspr
Need some feed? Then read some! Take a look at today's Squills at In the News.

The Tatterdemalion takes a tattle!

"Stories are like yarn; just hold on to the tip and let the ball roll away"

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Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:35 pm
Shady says...

New Arrivals

PeskyEvans hasn't had a chance to make any posts yet, but I'm sure with a bit of encouragement he'll open right up.

LifeUnknown is a girl from Utah. She loves to read, write, sing, play music, and draw things. She's got even more unique traits-- such as being legally blind. She writes poetry. You can one of her lovely poems here.

Renloverlol hasn't had a chance to post anything. But I'm sure she's got wonderful pieces to share with us, all she needs is a little encouragement.

bellanova1218 is a Christian who likes to write poetry. She wrote a very nice poem, and you can read it here.

eriniekinsxd hasn't had a chance to post anything yet, but I'm sure she will once she gets more comfortable around the site. Go make friends.

Lulu93 has already posted a very nice first chapter of her story, entitled Michael. It's a work to read, and I'm sure she'd appreciate reviews.

incorrigible has very interesting profile picture, which I'm sure goes along with an interesting personality.

orange27 is the new account of our very own MillarS. If you don't already know her, she likes lots of movies and bands. She's a talented artist as well as writer.

storyisking likes reading, sleeping, writing, and ecology, among other things. He hasn't posted much around the site, but has a link to a blog where you can read some of his lovely works.

kazzykay likes writing, One Direction, and romance. She's already posted a story: My Diary.

clodaghlhayes hasn't had a change to post anything yet, but I'm sure he's got some wonderful works to share.

littleauthor likes writing, singing, cooking, and baking. She's a fan of One Direction, and has already wrote a fan-fiction which you can read here.

Lylasmygurl is friends with Lylas, who encouraged him to join. He hasn't had a chance to post anything yet, but he likes music and poetry. Go say hi.

UnderTheStarLine is an enthusiastic lass who likes to read, write, and meet new people. She currently doesn't have any works up, but it appears that she writes in the adventure-mystery genres.

Lylasmygurl is the only person who chose to post in the Welcome Mat, but they all deserve a wall-full of warm YWS welcomes.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

"I think; therefore, I am."
— René Descartes