Ohhh yeah that makes sense because I screenshotted that from the KotGR forum, and mine is the only log that has the asterisk. And my log isn't that popular, i think.
Ok, so I've been here for about two weeks or so, but I cannot figure out what WriterFeed Pads are. I've created my account for it, but I'm confused as to what they do, who can join them, and just how they work in general. Can someone give me a quick rundown?
Hi! Welcome to YWS! I am part of the Resource Crew here - so am just copy-pasting part of an article I'm writing to help users know what WFPs are -
What is Writers Feed Pad (WFP)? WFP stands for WriterFeed Pad, and it's a place to write, collaborate, and chat with other people online. (Basically like a shared google doc or word doc that other people with the link can see, and use, and chat together on, some people use the shared setting, some just use WFPs to store their own YWS notes and writing.)
To open your own WFP click "Me" on the top bar of your YWS screen, then choose "WriterFeed Pad" from there you login just as you typically would on YWS - and can select "Create a new pad" to get started, the default settings on pads are set to private (under the "Security" header) but the fun really begins when you allow other people to jump into the pad to write alongside you by setting it to public (again under the "Security" heading).
To join another person's WFP, just click on the link that they've shared! You should be taken to a screen that looks something like the image below.
Once there, you can change your name and color by clicking on the name at the top right. On the bottom right is the chatbox. Type a message there and hit enter to send it and chat with other people! The large box on the left is the main area of the WFP. It's typically used when you have to write more, or to store things that you don't want to get lost in the fast-moving chat. You'll want to save your writing somewhere else when you're done (like a word document) so that you don't lose it if you lose track of the pad. Note that if you set a password in WFP and lose the password, it can not be recovered.
you should know i am a time traveler & there is no season as achingly temporary as now
That’s an excellent question! I’m not sure why that is, but maybe @alliyah or @IcyFlame would know why only certain forum posts show up on the homepage?
Herb is right -> the site coding is set up to highlight certain forums on the site feed as an extra boost while other forums are not. I believe the events (nano, napo...) and resources do not post there for instance. If you ever want to stay on top of a thread you can always subscribe to it to get the latest notifs.
you should know i am a time traveler & there is no season as achingly temporary as now
I wouldn't say there's a word cap, but you'll find the longer your piece is the less likely you are to get reviews on it because it can be overwhelming for someone to try and tackle. I would suggest posting longer works in multiple parts (I find about 2500-3000 words to be the upper limit, but also take into consideration how easy the piece is to read).
@khushi17bansal Yep, it does! But when you post a comment on someone else's wall, it doesn't show up on the People tab. (Also, not a stupid question. It can def take a while to get the hang of YWS xD)
“And how shall I think of you?' He considered a moment and then laughed. 'Think of me with my nose in a book!” — Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
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