
Young Writers Society

NaNo 21'

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83 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 187
Reviews: 83
Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:17 pm
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AriesBookworm says...

Candy knows who Jackson Demin, better known as JD, is. He's the blonde-haired boy with dark brown eyes. She's by no means friends with the boy, he's simply a classmate, nothing else. That's until he finds out she and her friends are vampires. With lives on the line, Candy does an ancient ritual to swear JD to silence. The two fear each other, but could become something more? Could they become...friends?

Okay, first of all, who names their dinner? I don't want to know my dinner's name. This potato--is this potato named Steve?
— Rick Riordan, The Sword of Summer