
Young Writers Society

Character dialogue

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:47 am
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LowKey says...

"Alex? Oh, I like that name. Alex Beading, I think. Has a ring a bit, don't you think maybe?" ~ Grace

*raises eyebrow* "And here I thought you turned your nose at foreigners. You'd give a Beading a foreign name?" and then to Alex, "Where're you from anyway? Nerag?" ~ Marylyn

Pointing his quill at Alex, "My cousin lives in Nerag a bit. Due to come back soon, but can't be that big a place. Might be you've seen each other." ~ Ryle

*laughs* "Check your maps, Ryle. Nerag's nabbed a city or two since the winter." ~ Marylyn.

*shrugging* "Truly, a city means little when you're against an empire. Nerag's still the size of my fist, and likely won't grow too much bigger before the year is past. Next year, though..." ~ Ryle

Winking at Alex, "And next year, and next year, and next- my, is that a gray hair? Gosh, better start making plans for the world this year. Don't have many left, looks like." ~ Marylyn

"At least I have respectable work that allows me some sleep. No dead-eyes for me or gray hairs." ~ Grace.

Nodding, "And no freedom or thoughts or writing or learning or doing or being. Easy work, made respectable by Kray Uninon." sniffing, "Easy it is to be a husk, and a well paid husk." ~ Marylyn

"And a legal 'husk' if nothing else! Any that I bear will be in line for the seat, at least. Better than the beggars you'll make." ~ Grace

Marylyn's face closes over in annoyance, her eyebrow raised.

"My, my. Such a temper. Unbecoming of you, little lady Grace. Pity to your husband if he's sent a child for his bride." ~ Marylyn

Ryle's mouth twitches. "Truly, how can a child be a bride, or have a child of her own? Perhaps she'll need to wait." ~ Ryle

Silence falls as Grace leaves the room, and after a moment, Marylyn smiles.

"Manners are flitting from my head a bit, it looks. My name only has five letters, dear, not counting the repeats. And you've as many t's and o's and a's as I have y's, and more if you group them together. Silly for you not to notice this, yes?" ~ Marylyn
Necropolis SB / Necropolis DT

Once was Dreamer, is now LowKey_Lyesmith.

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:50 am
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Twit says...

*Shadow blinks* "Silly? What is silly? Silly like dragon-silly?"

"She means you, hybrid." ~Jemima

"Oh! Oh, me. Why didn't she say so?" ~Shadow

"Shadow's not silly, she's just... well, she's a hybrid, so of course she's not very intelligent." ~Alarise

"Of course." ~Romil

"So rather silly of Miss not to know this? Or is that more silly silly silly of silly to say so?" ~Shadow

"Don't be rude." ~Romil

"No, Master. I mean, yes, Master, of course, Master, why not, Master?" *Shadow beams at Marylyn* "Nice letters."
"TV makes sense. It has logic, structure, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this."


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Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:17 pm
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200397 says...

"I think Shadow needs to quit with the 'master'." ~ Anna

*mutters* "I think Anna needs to shut up altogether." ~Alex

"You two are like an old married couple. Oh, look, Alex: you dropped your dentures." ~Jack *in an amused tone*

"You're in a fine fettle today." ~Alex

"I'm always in the mood to mock you, Al." ~Jack

"Who isn't?" ~Anna

*hotly* "Why don't you ever mock Anna?!" ~Alex

"She's my wife; I can't mock my wife." ~Jack

"Oh yes you can!" ~Alex

"When you get married, Alex, not that there is much chance of it, you'll understand." ~Jack

"See why I married him instead of you?" ~Anna

*mutters incoherently in Russian* "Shut up."


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Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:05 pm
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Twit says...

"Men don't mock their wives? Lawks. I think I missed that one." ~Phoebe

"Nah, I can see how that might work." ~Seth

"In a world where rain is money and puddles are liquid crystal. Yes, Seth, we all like to dream." ~Phoebe

"You'd need a nice man, of course." ~Seth

"And, of course, those don't exist." ~Gaspar

"Um... Not saying anything, Mister Rogers. Not sayin' anythin'." ~Phoebe
"TV makes sense. It has logic, structure, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this."


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Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:15 am
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200397 says...

"Of course nice men exist. Where have you been?" ~Bobbie

"Not everyone has enough time on their hands to scout out men all day, Bobbie." ~Juliet

"You have all the time in the world, Jules. Maybe you should take a leaf out of Bobie's book." ~Anna

*snort* "You should talk. You're already married." ~Bobbie

"Sorry to disappoint you." ~Anna

"Well, I don't really fancy you. Having to look after Jack and Alex while trying to save the world sounds like quite a handful."

"Just Jack. Alex has Sarah, and the world can take care of itself." ~Anna


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Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:05 pm
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Twit says...

*eyeing Bobbie* "Odds fish." ~Phoebe

"Phoebe has a jaded view of the world." ~Anna

"No reason why not to, though, is there?" ~Kester

"The nice people in the world?" ~Anna

"Where?" ~Phoebe

*vaguely* "Around." ~Anna

"I'm slightly confused." ~Sterling

"You're always confused, and more than slightly." ~Phoebe

"I'm not, actually. I just pretend that way so people feel more at ease around me." ~Sterling

"Otherwise they'd be worried you weren't going to do your physic-stuff right. You have to reassure your patients somehow." ~Phoebe

"Somehow. And after you, that became very difficult." ~Sterling

"Oooh!" ~Phoebe

*Sterling blushes and looks at Bobbie* "You seem to have a lot of friends --"

"And one of them's called Anna!" *Phoebe grins*

*Anna sighs and smiles*
"TV makes sense. It has logic, structure, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this."


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Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:25 am
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200397 says...

"As I have said before, my full name is not just 'Anna'." ~Anna *glaring at Phoebe*

"Oh, do tell, Ann, your completely, ridiculously complicated Russian name to the whole wide world. They're dying to hear it and have a system over-load." ~Juliette

"Hey, Ann, where'd you pick this girl up? She's a regular Johnny Raincloud." ~Bobbie

"No, she's not. She's French. On second thought, I guess they're the same thing." ~Anna

*Bobbie snickers and Juliette glares*

"Communist rusky." ~Juliette

"Oh, getting on racial grounds now, are we?" ~Bobbie

"Play nice, girls. Or don't play at all." ~Anna

"Fine with me, Antonya." ~Juliette

"There. She said it." ~Anna *shrugs and winks at Bobbie*

"I guess you're not the brightest crayon in the 96 Crayola pack, are you, Jules?" ~Bobbie

"Yes, well, if I'm not bright in the 96 pack, Sterling -" *Sterling looks up, offended* "is dull in a pack of 12." ~Juliette

"You'll be a long while in purgatory, you know." ~Bobbie

"She'll be with friends." ~Anna

Last edited by 200397 on Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:17 am
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Bloo says...

Zeke: Whats this talk of crayons? Now you make me want to draw something, but I have nothing. Hey James lend my your finger, Danny make me an earth wall

James: No, use your own powers. You can draw better with them

Zeke: Alas I am unable to. Our writer likes to place us in random book places, and as of now I have lost my powers due to heart break *breaks into tears for no reason*

Jack: What a wimp *scuffles at Zeke*

James: Well maybe when you see over hundred people die to save you, you will think differently

Jack: I think not, I'm not a wimp like Zekey over there

James: A wimp! A wimp! A wimp! *glares at Jack with much rage* Zeke has seen more then you ever will, he has saved more lives then you have, faced more danger, and bested stronger evils. And you call him a wimp, you little prat.

Jack: * backs away* Hey give me my space man. And besides I was just joking, I know Zeke is a force to be reckoned with.

James: Good
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:09 am
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200397 says...

"They seem like nice friends, these magic handlers." ~Alex *sarcastically*

"Come on, Alex, didn't anyone ever tell you your best friend is the most likely person to kill you?" ~Anna

"Well that's comforting, Ann. Especially coming from my best friend. And anyway, I think the guy planting pipe bombs underneath the Parliament building is more likely to kill someone." ~Alex

"What's this unnatural talk of pipe bombs? Hobby of yours, Al?" ~Bobbie

"No, Anna and I were just commenting on the noticeable brutality of those magic handlers over there." ~Alex

"You're not exactly the cuddliest thing yourself. And anyway, what makes you think they're magic handlers? They could be mages, or wardsmakers, or master mages." ~Bobbie

"I can tell they're magic handlers by their obvious immaturity." ~Alex

"Oh, low blow, Aloysha." ~Anna *laughing* "I got the feeling they were being serious."

"That doesn't make them any less of prats." ~Alex

"Just wait till you say something stupid and they get to call you a prat." ~Anna

"It won't be too long." ~Bobbie *transforming into a cat and losing human speech abilities*

"How'd you like that? She doesn't have the most civil tongue, does she?" ~Alex

"You bring out the worst in her." ~Anna


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Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:42 pm
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Twit says...

"Kitty! Kitty kitty kitty kitty!" ~Phoebe

"Don't be immature." ~Gaspard

"Sterling ignored the frog." ~Phoebe

"Don't be so rude to the lady!" ~Gaspard

"That was rude, Phoebe." ~Sterling

"Oh. Sorry. My mistake. *curtseys* My most sincere apologies, miss. There! Did I do it right?" ~Phoebe

"Passable." ~Gaspard
"TV makes sense. It has logic, structure, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this."


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Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:32 am
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Bloo says...

Danny: I'm not sure exactly what we are. Each of us controls and element. Mine is earth, Kyle air, Zeke water/ice, Jack fire, and James our leader lightning.

James: and sorry if I came off immature, its just I have a low tolerance for Jack's twenty four seven whining, being mean, and being lazy. Then all he does is say that he had it the hardest, even though he came in during the final book in the series, and he has only had one life dangering adventure, while me five, Zeke four, Danny three, and Kyle two.

Jack: You make it seem like you don't like me.

James: Well I don't very much. *says in calm tone*

Zeke: *quickly cuts into explain things* most of use, scratch me and James, who happen to be almost brothers sense we grew up in an orphanage together and were dropped off at the door step at the same time, needed at least a book of time become friends. Jack needed at least two, and coming in at the fifth book and not knowing if there will be a sixth book, out writer does not want them to come off close because they will not be

Jack: *acting as if Zeke never spoke* Well then fine maybe I should just go.

James: Okay

Jack: Fine *storms out of the room. Then five minutes later comes back, sits in the corner sulking*
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:44 am
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200397 says...

"That's exactly what I mean." ~Alex, rolling his eyes.

"Hmm?" ~Anna

"That bloke got offended, so the first thing he does? Goes and sulks in a corner." ~Alex

"Well, the others did insult him pretty badly. And who's the one we're talking about?" ~Anna

"That one over there." *points discretely at sulking Jack* "Jack, they said his name was. The other three -" *nods at Zeke, James, and Danny* " - are element handlers; fireworkers, windworkers, earthshapers, excetera."

"Did someone say my name?" ~Jack (Ridley) *entering room*

"Alex is being a jerk." ~Anna, informatively.

"Ah." ~Jack (Ridley)

"You know this poor man over there has the same name as you?" ~Alex

"Who, the sulking kid?" *Alex nods* "Naw. What's got him all twisted up?" ~Jack (Ridley)

"Brotherly love." ~Anna, skimming through a book.

"And that one is James, that's Danny, and that's . . Zach. Zed. Something like that. Anyway, I was just commenting about that Jack kid being a wuss." ~Alex

"You really are great with people, Al." ~Jack, shaking his head.


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Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:53 am
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Bloo says...

Zeke: Its Zeke, but what ever. And technically me and James aren't brothers, we might be, but that is unknown. James has a theory that the past guardian generation was able to find us both, then the former leader dropped us both off, hoping we both would discover it near the same time saving trouble. I think we are brothers, and that it was pure luck for the guardian thing, and that we just are very paternal twins.

Jack: *getting up from his corner* And I am not a wimp, I am very brave.

Danny: *pulls scroll from his pocket, chants a few words, and a miniature blue portal appears, he reaches in, and brings out a creature that looks like a mini alligator, but blue, and with large spikes. Danny places the creature on the floor, it approaches Jack*

Jack: *screams very girly like and runs away*

Kyle: *walks over, pluck it up* Wow, why are you scared of this? Its just a Baby Flarenhe, you met them. All they can do is prick you and get a bit of blood to come out.

Jack: I new that...I was just making it feel batter, because it looked down, thought it needed to scare someone.

All others: Sure *all roll eyes*

Danny: He really is a wimp, and a coward.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:06 am
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200397 says...

"Oh, I can tell you guys are friends." ~Anna *sarcastically, rolling her eyes*

"Why do people do that to each other?" ~Juliette

"Do what?" ~Anna

"Purposefully attack their weaknesses just to have a laugh or prove a point." ~Juliette

*thinking* "Because, according to Dickens, the first nature of man is self-preservation. Part of that is making yourself seem more powerful and therefore safe by stepping on others." ~Anna *wisely*

"Since when did you become a philosopher?" ~Alex *incredulously*

"Since I started hanging around you." ~Anna

"I was under the impression you hated Dickens." ~Jack

"Anna reads anything classic, you know that." ~Juliette "Since she's such a history freak."

"Yes, but she's awful opinionated about them, it doesn't matter when they were written." ~Alex

"I quote the better half of Dickens, but I won't like him until I can find it in myself to forgive him for writing an appallingly pathetic character like Oliver Twist. I only read it to get it over with." ~Anna


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Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:26 pm
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Banango Cheesecake says...

"I never finished Dickens before. I'm not one for classics. Besides, the public library hardly has any classics." - Gwen

"Classics, movies, music...They're all entertaining for the first few moments, but they waste your time when you should spend them fulfilling your life's dream." - Maxim

"And what are you supposed to do once you accomplish your goal, huh?" - Zack

"The little demon will burn the world, of course. How else is he going to have fun?" - Heather
Why do I keep having this scary nightmare...The one where I went mad and killed you with my own hands.

-Loyal AS fan-

Turn your demons into art, your shadow into a friend, your fear into fuel, your failures into teachers, your weaknesses into reasons to keep fighting. Don’t waste your pain. Recycle your heart.
— Andréa Balt