Title: Advent Children; Death of a Major Player (Part1/2) Link: (Below) Genre: Action/Adventure Fiction Points of Interest: Spelling, grammar, etc. The usual. Current Parts/Chapters:
Hi, my story's been up for a week but not getting much attention... not sure if I'm just being impatient or not, but would you mind reviewing it? It's fantasy, the first chapter of what might be a book. Whenever you have time, no rush.
If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.~Toni Morrison
It is written in m life-blood, such as that is, thick or thin; I can do no other~ Tolkien
Hey. I would like to think I'm almost finished on this piece, but when you read your own writing you miss things . So just if you get the time please review
It includes the same piece as before (You would remember it as The Absence of Wind, but I have renamed it Where Shadow Steps), with a few very minor changes so don't worry about doing that bit. (Which is now Chapter 1 not the prologue)So really just the new Prologue and Chapter 2.
Points: 22745
Reviews: 197