
Young Writers Society

Reviewer Testimonials

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Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:28 pm
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Iggy says...

Firestarter wrote:@Monsters is not afraid to tackle people's poetry and question why they have used certain words or ideas, and whether they really make sense. Fighting the good fight.

@Lumi also tackles poetry in the right way, looking for meanings and how the poet has attempted to do convey the central messages.

Seconded. Both are amazing.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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131 Reviews

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Reviews: 131
Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:04 pm
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Monsters says...

@Snoink gives some of the best reviews, he seems very careful

@Karzkin was one of the reasons I dove into poetry and reviewing. He gave me a review on my first poem and I felt enlightened. He is concise and he knows what he is talking about.

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1085 Reviews

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Reviews: 1085
Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:11 pm
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Mea says...

@Carlito gives amazing novel reviews, including both responses and thoughts as a reader, and actual editing tips. I've really appreciated her work on my LMS so far. :D
We're all stories in the end.

I think of you as a fairy with a green dress and a flower crown and stuff.

I think you, @Deanie and I are like the Three Book Nerd Musketeers of YWS.

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131 Reviews

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Reviews: 131
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:57 am
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beccalicious94 says...

Really appreciated @Lumi 's review on my poem "When doing nothing is doing everything," and @papillote 's review on my essay "Malbec or stranger than fiction"

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1081 Reviews

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Points: 220
Reviews: 1081
Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:16 am
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Virgil says...

I got a review from @Dreamwalker on the work I Remember When Our Future Was Beautiful that I loved! The review turned out to be quite constructive and made me want to improve the poem, which ideally is what all reviews should do! Be constructive and to set the writer onto the path of improvement. c:

Will Review For Food - Always taking review requests!

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Sun May 20, 2018 3:21 pm
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LadyOkra says...

I have, on countless occasions, received extremely helpful reviews from @Radrook. :)

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Reviews: 1274
Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:49 pm
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niteowl says...

Someone mentioned reviving this thread, so here goes:

I recently received several helpful reviews on On Cigarettes and Limerence from @Rydia, @alliyah, and @ellasnotebook. I was able to use their suggestions to help condense the wording of the poem and take it to the next level. :D
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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1227 Reviews

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Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:09 pm
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alliyah says...

Thanks nite! It was a fabulous poem ~ so it was fun to critique.

I have some of my own review-shout-outs to give actually!

Shout-out to @Mea who though she says isn't a poetry reviewer has left me some really insightful reviews for my poems that include both interpretation and places where I can strengthen lines to get the message across better. And I always feel really positive after reading her reviews too - she's honest, but kind! She takes the time to really explain her suggestions so I understand the thought process behind the critique. Her reviews on these two pieces were very helpful for me to get a better understanding of what impression my poems were giving: Review 1
Review 2

Also shout-out to @Clarity who is back in the Poetry world and leaving some really helpful reviews! I've peaked at a few other reviews she's written and I think she really gives great pointers and interpretations - and I recently received a review from her that was quite fabulous that took the time to thoroughly dive into interpretation and unpack her process of reading the piece. Review 1 Review 2

Thanks you two! <3
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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1085 Reviews

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Reviews: 1085
Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:04 am
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Mea says...

xD Thanks alliyah! I'm blushing now haha.

Since I'm here, I've got to give a shoutout to @DarkPandemonium and @Carlito! Both of them have given me so many awesome reviews, particularly on my novel Eos. Dark's comments about pacing and logistics are always so on point, and Carlito's thoughts as a reader about the characters and the world give me so much insight into what I'm successfully telling the reader and what I have/haven't shown well enough.
We're all stories in the end.

I think of you as a fairy with a green dress and a flower crown and stuff.

I think you, @Deanie and I are like the Three Book Nerd Musketeers of YWS.

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27 Reviews

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Points: 114
Reviews: 27
Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:23 pm
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lukekazey says...

I’ve recently received some amazing reviews from @LanaOverland for my pieces “White,” “Cremation,” and “Shh...”
Although I haven’t put her suggestions into practice just yet, they’ve been very insightful and show a depth of knowledge about poetry- I think they’re really going to help push me to improve my poems further. So thank you!

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66 Reviews

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Reviews: 66
Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:00 pm
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Starve says...

@Tenyo 's review on

The Absurdity of hope

is great and helpful, and technical-criticism wise the best I've received (which is what I needed) . Reviews like this are the reason I stick around on YWS (sticking around is not one of my strong points xD)

( didn't even know that today's challenge was to post here. I just remembered that this thread existed)

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33 Reviews

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Reviews: 33
Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:32 pm
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Oxara says...

So as I review more and more and as I write and get reviews I learn there are so many types of reviews. And as someone who like to go in really long reviews (looks at my nearly hour long review I did today) I am sometimes shocked to see how short reviews can be. And the more I get them the more I appreciate them. I still think the longer the more I, as a writer I can get out of it (to a degree I am still learning where I need to drawl the line but I think I've gotten pretty good about it.) However I wanted to highlight a really good short review I've received recently by @ShadowVyper with his review on my work Demon maiden. It was short and while yes I have heard the things he pointed out before however it was good to have it pointed out again especially as I will be writing this afternoon! And while I was a bit embarrassed by one mistake I made *whoo!! for quick LMS work* However it high lighted everything I love about short reviews. It did not offer as much critique other reviews that are longer, however it did remind me of a few of things I need to work on and things I need to work on for that chapter specifically, however the major reason I love these short reviews is that they just make me feel so awesome. Sure a bit embarrassed at times but they all tend to be really sweet which his review shows perfectly. Sure I still really value in depth reviews but I know value shorter ones and part of that is due to shady so that is why I am writing this very long rant.

Here's the review btw
Spoiler! :

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935 Reviews

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Reviews: 935
Mon Dec 31, 2018 12:02 am
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Shady says...

Aww, thanks @Oxara <3 I'm glad it was helpful! :)

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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125 Reviews

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Points: 10344
Reviews: 125
Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:22 am
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ChrisCalaid says...

PainandSimple and tgham99 for the best reviewers of my poems.
Niteowl and HGsomone are the best reviewers of my story. (clap clap)
Thank you to PainandSimple, Niteowl, HGsomone and tgham99.

Thank you for giving me aportunity to share. :D

Money is no reward, Life is.
Chris Will
Everybody is a fool, it depend on what you do after being a fool.
Christian Passwater

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99 Reviews

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Points: 48
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I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
— Bilbo Baggins