I've been having an issue where, after posting a work, I can't edit it? It'll save the first sentence or two, but it deletes the rest of the work. It'll still be there if I exit out of it, but after I post it, I can't edit it unless I paste everything back in/load the file again.
I believe in a universethat doesn't careand people that do.
Hi! I'm new and I'm trying to access my WriterFeed Pad, but my computer won't let me and says that it's an insecure site. It also keeps on redirecting me to etherpad.org Anything I can do to fix it?
I seem to be having trouble with Writer Feed Pad? I can log in and all that, but any time I so much as type a letter in a WFP, it immediately disconnects me, like so:
Una Problema.png
Anything to be done about that?
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S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse a persona che mai tornasse al mondo, questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse. Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero, senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.
I used Google Chrome, then phone's Internet Browser. (Updated Versions)
It started just today. June 10, 2018.
I wrote a review on Lives4Christ24 literary work; Escape, then General Error popped up. I wrote a post on the request review section (on someone's thread), same thing happened, general error. I tried both browser again and again to no avail. I aready sent a message to Admin @Rydia and also sent an email to them.
I use Android.
Edit: Just now, this post posted. Why not on the literary works?
Hi there. I joined YWS a few months ago and it would seem there's a problem with WFP. When I try to sign in on a pad, it says that no account of my username has been found. When I try to acces my WFP through the 'Me' dropdown menu, the link simply redirects me to https://etherpad.org/.
Can this be solved somehow? Thanks in advance.
These words come to you as courtesy of the amazing, splendid, most wonderful Figroth Felanor, so instead of quickly reading over them, take a moment to feel blessed that he's considered you worthy of hearing his opinions and/or stories.
Hey, I've been having a issue with writerfreedpad that every time I click it brings me to ether-pad. I have been using a work around solution where I simply just favorite any pads I'm part of and keep a link (given by somewhere else) to create them. However it getting slightly messing and rather annoying. So is there any way to fix this?
Fey he seemed, or the battle-fury of his fathers ran like new fire in his veins, and he was borne up on Snowmane like a god of old, even as Oromë the Great in the battle of the Valar when the world was young. - The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
@ChieRynn - It also keeps happening to me. Sometimes going back and opening the link fixes, but sometimes I just type in the address in the address bar (i.e. "mea.writerfeedpad.com") and that works for me so maybe you can try it? But hopefully it'll get fixed.
We're all stories in the end.
I think of you as a fairy with a green dress and a flower crown and stuff. -EternalRain
I think you, @Deanie and I are like the Three Book Nerd Musketeers of YWS. -bluewaterlily
BROWSERSilk Browser(on kindle fire) TIMES HAPPENEDTwice today, never in the past I tries twice to publish this work, but it didn't publish. When you publish so it always says you successfully published this then The r is a link that says *go to work* and it will say the title instead of just *work*, but today it just said *go to* and when I clicked on that it said *bro, there's nothing here*. I wouldn't mind that much, if it hadn't charged me for publishing. I lost 400 points, and I didn't even publish anything.
Jesus Rocks, So Roll With Him
If you can't find the stories you want to read, write them yourself
Okay, so one of the works has appeared now. I'm about to unpublished it though, because I like the one I typed second better. *Update* It actually didn't it is just saved as a draft. Wierd, because I published it.
Jesus Rocks, So Roll With Him
If you can't find the stories you want to read, write them yourself
Points: 14090
Reviews: 351