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Fri May 25, 2012 1:41 pm
Candyman says...

The Candyman is here. My sister was the one that put me here to help with stuff but also because I thought it would be fun. I like music and old films and some new films as well. I play the piano and I like the Hunger Games books (but not the film) and I like Fantasy books. I am a bit like my sister in a lot of ways but not all of them.

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Fri May 25, 2012 2:16 pm
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Searria H. says...

Hi there, Candyman! :smt039 I'm Searria, but most people call me "Sea."
Welcome to YWS! I hope you enjoy your stay here. We have a lovely community here and ever member wants to help you in any way he/she can. If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me either through a private message or a note on my profile. The people who are in green are moderators, and they can answer any question about the site.
(On a side-note, the candyman song from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" has been running through my head as I'm writing this.)
So now for some very important questions. *nods seriously*
1) What's your favourite movie?
2) What genre do you usually write?
3) Poetry or prose?
4) What's your favourite food?
5) Favourite colour?
6) Favourite animal?

I look forward to seeing you around. If you ever want a review on anything in particular, feel free to ask. :) Happy writing! :elephant:
'Let's eat Grandma!' or, 'Let's eat, Grandma!' Punctuation saves lives.

Reviews? You know you want one. :)


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Fri May 25, 2012 4:28 pm
Mikko says...

Hey Candyman! Welcome to YWS :)

I hope you like it around here and that you get around easily. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of things so in no time you will be wandering the streets of YWS all on your own!It's great that you've joined this site because it will help you grow in your writing. Through reviews and tips, you can only keep on improving!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask around - we're nice people who don't bite and we're ready to help you around! There are all sorts of forums on this site that will help you out with not only your writing but helping you to make friends with others and enjoying your time on here. And you know, you can also ask your sister - I'm sure she'll help you out sometimes xD

Here's the link to the Answers to Questions Everyone Has. it's very helpful and should answer just about any question you have on the forum and how everything works. We've also got writing tips if you need any or if you have any, because we're all here to share!

There's also the Lounge where you can interact with the other members and have fun sharing with the rest of us.

Shameful, I know, but I've never watched or even read any of the Hunger Games :/ but I will... in time.

What kind of things do you like to write, like what genre? What inspires you to write?

I hope you enjoy yourself and that as you discover the site, you become as addicted as the rest of us!

Happy writing!


- Mikko.
Last edited by Mikko on Sun May 27, 2012 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
when she needs to shelter from reality she takes a dip in my daydreams

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Fri May 25, 2012 4:43 pm
JesusLvr18 says...

Hello! Since I don't have any of those star things (and am scared to use full reply after clicking on it. Too many options! Too confusing!), you probably guessed that I am new here. Umm, let's see here. My name is Heidi, I turned 14 last week (exactly!), I am a Christian (I AM SECOND!), and I love writing (but of course, that's why we're all here!)! Usually, I get a really good plot stuck in my head, but when I'm about 5-10 pages in, a bunch of new ones start crowding it out. Another big issue (besides my self-diagnosed ADD) is my procrastination. Ex. I was told about this website a month ago; I'm just now on it.
Besides writing novels and poetry, I also write songs! I love piano, and although I am not very far along book-wise, I think I am good enough to suite myself. My music tastes cover basically every genre. Right now, I'm into Kanon Wakeshima and Avenue Q, but my all-time favorite band is Newsboys! I was lucky enough to be able to go to one of their amazingly awesome concerts this year!
Okay, enough with the blah, blah, blah. I'm really here because I have no clue how this site works! (Then again, I got this far. Ah, self, stop contradicting me!) So, I need someone to tell me how all of this works.
This story is no good, I'm almost beginning to believe it.
~Samuel Beckett

A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.
~Act of Betrayal by Lashea

The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch somebody else doing it wrong, without comment.
— T. H. White