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About time to introduce myself

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Points: 1396
Reviews: 28
Wed May 23, 2012 6:06 pm
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Betheny says...

As the subject says, it's about time I 'officially' introduced myself to the YWS community.

My name is Betheny, or Beth if you prefer, and enjoy writing tremendously (as I'm sure many others on this site do too). I am a very active member of the SB proportion of YWS usually playing a character who is neither the protagonist nor antagonist, usually I play characters who are centred around my own age (15) although I have stretched to also play older characters.
Admitedly, I haven't posted any of my work in a while but I am currently working on my latest idea of a steampunk style world complete with fantasy, action and, every now-and-then, romance, as well as a joint project with *coco, a felllow member of YWS.
The style I usually write in is quite a dark gothic style with elements of fantasy thrown in in some places. My writing tends to be influenced by books that I've recently read or some TV series, for example Game of Thrones (since I haven't read the books yet). Currently, I am having issues working out how to get from point A (the beginning) to point B (the end) of a story, however (a tip I would deffinately reccomend) outlining the plot in rough gives a guidline for my writing but it also allows for me to deviate if I so wish.

Anywho, I'm not too sure what else to say so I shall say; Hello everyone, and goodbye for now. :)
P.S Ever want someone to talk to, just ask, (just not me) ;)
"The world existed to be read. And I read it." - L.S Schwartz, Ruined by Reading

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289 Reviews

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Points: 30323
Reviews: 289
Wed May 23, 2012 6:38 pm
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Caesar says...

Beth! Your style and mine match perfectly, but more of the fantasy for me. I'd love to write something with you
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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27 Reviews

Gender: None specified
Points: 673
Reviews: 27
Fri May 25, 2012 4:41 pm
JesusLvr18 says...

Hello! Since I don't have any of those star things (and am scared to use full reply after clicking on it. Too many options! Too confusing!), you probably guessed that I am new here. Umm, let's see here. My name is Heidi, I turned 14 last week (exactly!), I am a Christian (I AM SECOND!), and I love writing (but of course, that's why we're all here!)! Usually, I get a really good plot stuck in my head, but when I'm about 5-10 pages in, a bunch of new ones start crowding it out. Another big issue (besides my self-diagnosed ADD) is my procrastination. Ex. I was told about this website a month ago; I'm just now on it.
Besides writing novels and poetry, I also write songs! I love piano, and although I am not very far along book-wise, I think I am good enough to suite myself. My music tastes cover basically every genre. Right now, I'm into Kanon Wakeshima and Avenue Q, but my all-time favorite band is Newsboys! I was lucky enough to be able to go to one of their amazingly awesome concerts this year!
Okay, enough with the blah, blah, blah. I'm really here because I have no clue how this site works! (Then again, I got this far. Ah, self, stop contradicting me!) So, I need someone to tell me how all of this works.
This story is no good, I'm almost beginning to believe it.
~Samuel Beckett

A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.
~Act of Betrayal by Lashea

Life's short; smile while you still have teeth.
— Tuesday