Hey there!
My name is Carina, and although some people think it's weird to go by your real name online, I just can't stand to go by pet-names like "TheCoolGirl101" or "MissAwesome97."
At the moment I am fourteen; just a freshman in high school. (Oh, you smell that? The fifteenth year for this girl is less than a month away!) However, I've written short stories and other pieces since I was, eh, about ten or eleven. (And I daresay that it was the ugliest piece of crap I had ever seen in my life.) Just this past year I started to get serious into writing, and since I'm that kind of person who gets frustrated so easily without feedback or support, I've been looking all over for a site just like this.
And, since I'm at it here, I'll flat-out say I've tried two sites--one of which is FictionPress.com. Frankly, I wasn't impressed with that site.
Ahem. Anyways. I don't want to bore you here, so I'll make a proper introduction.
I live in the middle of Nowhere near the Windy City. I brush my teeth until my gums bleed. I am a full-on mutt when it comes to race. My friends come up to me and demand that I correct their papers, and when I do, their paper is filled with so many red marks you can't tell what is what anymore. I go to the library at least twice a month to pick up exactly three books, but sometimes I secretly sneak in another visit. English is not my first language, but the years have been long and I forgot my first language. I play the viola, and prepare to be haunted in your dreams if you don't know what that is. I am someone who procrastinates all the time (ALL the time!), and if I don't have any naggers, I forget what I'm even supposed to do. I keep a notebook around me in case an inspirational spark comes into my mind, and then I quickly jot it down.
I'm a sucker for sci-fi and realistic-fantasy (you know, the fantasy with no mythical creatures like vampires and such. Is there even such a thing? Well, there is now).
That's pretty much it. I have good thoughts for this site, and I can't wait to get started.
Oh, and my cat's a ninja. She's staring at me right now.
Points: 10085
Reviews: 147