Name: Aley
Age: 22
What You Write: I love to write poetry and I've dabbled in short stories and novels. I try to keep sentence structure clean and easy to follow, but mainly I work on themes and plot development or characters. Within the poetry I typically focus on style, theme, and creativity. Word choice and structure are a big deal for me. In short stories and novels I like Fantasy, Adventure, Sci-fi, and Action. Romance isn't quite my thing although I won't diss it.
What You Review: I mainly review poetry. It's quicker for me to get into that mindset and with everything going on in life right now I don't have a lot of time to sit and really delve into a long novel. I do review short stories, prose, and other pieces sometimes too, but that's mainly when I am requested to do so. I'm willing to get into a novel right now if it is at the beginning and we can have discussions about it. I love to discuss novels more than review them.
What You Read: I read a lot of things but my favorite are poetry things. I am not a fan of romantic poetry. It tends to get on my nerves pretty quick when it's really sappy. I love poetry dealing with intense metaphors and similes, alliteration, syntax, and other structural things. I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to that though.
When I'm reading short stories or novels I need something that's very interesting and posted in short bits due to the natural world. If you're working on beginning a novel I love to help set them up and work though the beginning stages of character development, plot, setting, themes, and syntax again.
Your "Specialty": I feel that I specialize in thematic poetry. Some styles are also things that I typically feel I'm pretty good at such as the villanelle.
What Time's You're Online: I'm on at a smattering of times but I'm always willing to help through PMs, reviews, wall posts, and other such things. Currently I'm mostly on during the week Monday Wednesday and Friday. If you need different times than that we can work something out to talk.
Five Random Things About You:
I'm in college
I have fish
I weave
I paint
My first complete Novel was last NaNoWriMo and it needs editing still.
Anything You'd Perfre Not to Read: I don't really want to read anything that's horror related. Romance in poetry is another one that I typically will rip apart. For general genres, I don't know much about prose or lyrics, so I wouldn't be best for that.
If you have any other questions then send me a PM or a Chat Message.
Points: 1883
Reviews: 806