
Young Writers Society

Literary Spotlight

by khushi17bansal in Novel / Chapter » Fantasy

Distant Lover
by PBandM in Poetry » Realistic

Circus Story
by AkiraEliza in Poetry » Romantic

to be known is to be loved
by LadyBug in Poetry » Realistic

Solitaire ~ Chapter One
by LadyTano in Novel / Chapter » Fanfiction

View past literary spotlights

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  • Forums » Lounge, The
    Featured Member May 13 - 27: 22Midnight

    Congrats!!!!!! You deserve it!!!!

    OrabellaAvenue - 1 hour ago

  • Novel / Chapter » Fantasy, Horror
    The Forsaken Race - The Hidden Truth: Chapter 41

    Kita witnesses a *futile* fight...

    RavenAkuma - 1 hour ago
    16+ Language Violence

  • Poetry » Realistic, General

    Everyone looks for a purpose, nobody finds it. Few realise you have to make it. At times, I feel like I'm just drifting on the open sea, endlessly.

    khushi17bansal - 2 hours ago
    E - Everyone

  • Forums » Art & Photography
    My character designs. <33

    This is Madeleine, from my song “Welcome to Richardson, I’m your only friend (Madeleine’s song)”.

    vampricone6783 - 2 hours ago

  • Reviews » Poetry » Realistic, Literature
    Distant Lover

    Starting off, I really enjoyed your poem, on the surface it may seem like a simple little poem, but once you read it and think about it, there’s a deeper ...

    ClearNights - 4 hours ago

  • Reviews » Short Story » Humor, General
    Bella and the black box

    To start out, I really liked this piece of writing, it tells a story. I especially liked the metaphor in the beginning (pretty sure that’s the correct terminology) of “Snow ...

    ClearNights - 4 hours ago

  • Reviews » Poetry » Realistic, Literature
    Distant Lover

    Hii!!! Welcome to YWS. Oh! YOU’RE ALL MINE AS LONG AS I LIVE, I SAY AS I WATCH YOU FROM A DISTANCE - This line took my heart! Being a ...

    BhavyaMehta123 - 4 hours ago

  • Poetry » Dramatic, Romantic
    Circus Wall

    a sequel to Circus Freak, Circus Rose, Circus Marionette, Circus Petals, Circus Story, Circus Jester, and Circus Dream

    AkiraEliza - 5 hours ago

  • Novel / Chapter » Action / Adventure, Fantasy
    The Adventures of Rose Hood Chapter 37: Peace and Benevolence

    Two visitors make their appearance in Selethon

    keeperofgaming - 6 hours ago
    16+ Violence

  • Novel / Chapter » Horror, Fantasy
    The Prime Control Chapter 8: Mordred and the Demons

    Mordred appears, and everything goes wrong

    keeperofgaming - 6 hours ago
    16+ Violence

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Fantasy, Supernatural
    Bone Boy: Part One

    Dang, what a bitter sweet ending. When I smiled: This was an emotional rollercoaster. Given what you normally write, I half expected for Theodore to actually be a bad guy. ...

    keeperofgaming - 6 hours ago

  • Reviews » Poetry » Dramatic, Romantic
    Circus Jester

    Hello there, human! I'm reviewing using the YWS S'more Method today! Shalt we commence with the possessed S’more? Top Graham Cracker - The narrator’s Jester left her, and flowers have ...

    vampricone6783 - 7 hours ago

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Narrative, Fanfiction
    Lucy Grey: The Living Child

    Hi!!! Dropping in for a quick review here! I want to start out by saying that I really loved your story, your imagery in gorgeous and the narrative flows beautifully. ...

    khushi17bansal - 9 hours ago

  • Reviews » Short Story » General, General

    OMG! I'm utterly stunned by the story full of vivid metaphors and the complexities in it. Truth be told, the first part of this story deeply resonated within my heart ...

    anasahmad4565 - 9 hours ago

  • Reviews » Poetry » Dramatic, Romantic
    Circus Grave

    Your poem is deeply moving and filled with heartfelt emotions. The imagery you use, like the sweet cats kiss and the cup of Boston Tea, adds a touch of sweetness ...

    PBandM - 13 hours ago

  • Reviews » Poetry » Dramatic, Romantic
    or something (cry me a river so i can sit in silence)

    Your poem is incredibly powerful and evocative. The way you express your emotions and thoughts through your words is truly captivating. I can feel the depth of your feelings and ...

    PBandM - 13 hours ago

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
— Woodrow Wilson