Thats whats up!
LadySpark fabulous!
Sep 26, 2010
Hey wickedwonder,
I'd like you to read my piece "Ever Changing" and tell me if it's better this time. Plz and Thx. Sierra
Thanks for your review on " The Vamyre Hunter"! I figured if 1 or two people liked it I'd write a second part or turn it into a novel. So get more people to review. Or else! Just kidding!!:)
Thanks for following!!! The review you left on the first chapter of W.T.L.G.O was also really great, THANKS!!
Thanks for the review! You were right, and I tried to edited with the whole emotion thing in mind Welcome to YWS by the way (I'm sorry... I'm so late) Hope you like it!
Thanks so much for the review! And I don't think my monologue kicked yours down the stairs; they're just different. Good luck with your writing!
Welcome to YWS and thanks you for the review! If you have any questions feel free to PM me!
Sep 25, 2010