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Young Writers Society

...colorful leaves crunching underfoot, golden sunlight shining through tree branches, a cool, comforting breeze blowing...

  • I just realized that I'll basically only be able to write 20 words per day for NaNo, due to school and other life stuff.

    spottedpebble For my word count, I have to average 344 per day. I currently have 30.
    Nov 1, 2023

    spottedpebble *340* actually. I now have... 135 written.
    Nov 1, 2023

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  • *surprised scream* Aaaaah, NaNo!

  • spottedpebble
    Oct 30, 2023

    I want to both a)write poetry and b)work on NaNo plans but issue #1 ) I can't think of anything to write about and haven't been able to force words out and when I force myself to write poems they turn out horribly anyway and issue #2 )I just can't PlanMo right now. I really want to since this is the first year I'm old enough to do it, but I have this feeling that the only way I'll actually be able to write it is by pushing everything out all at once.

    spottedpebble Haha it made my numbers hashtags. :P And I can't even figure out how to make stuff I want to be hashtags be hashtags.
    Oct 30, 2023

    Kaia Sammmmmeeeeeeee
    Oct 30, 2023

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  • I haven't been on in a few days, but now I'm back! Time to tend to these 28 notifications...

    Quillfeather it used to be a big thing on yws that if you were going to leave for a few days a few people asked to like, spam their notifs and it was pretty fun but probably pretty exhausting to try to catch up with.
    Oct 30, 2023

  • character art delivery! ^^

    Spoiler! :

    i tried to draw Kelly holding a crane because ~crafts~, but hands are a hit-or-miss for me (i swear i’m not an AI xD)
    so here’s a hands-free version:


    spottedpebble Oh my gosh! They're both so perfect! This is awesome! I've never had my characters drawn before, but you drew Kelly exactly right!
    Oct 26, 2023

    Spearmint yay, I’m glad to hear that! ^^ your character questionnaire was super detailed, so it made her easy to draw :D happy NaNo!!
    Oct 26, 2023

  • The poem I wrote in 5th grade that sparked my interest in writing poetry.

    Warm Winter
    Warm winter weather, melting snow
    I see animal tracks leading towards a burrow
    Nature bowing to winter’s ways,
    Tree swaying in a daze,
    Even humans take a part:
    Restoration vegetation-even humans have a heart

    EllieMae love it!!! <3
    Oct 25, 2023

    spottedpebble Thanks!!!
    Oct 25, 2023

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  • @Carlito wrote:time will tell whether my little pantser brain will accept these loosely plotted scenes when the time comes to write them or not


  • An enspoilered list of emoticon thingys:

    Spoiler! :
    3> <3
    ;P ;b d;
    (9-9) (6-6)
    6_6 9_9
    T-T T_T
    :) :( (: ):
    >;} >:}
    >;] >:]
    [:< [;<
    {;< {:<
    :D D:
    80 E0 EO 8O

    There's lots more I've used, but that's it for now. :)

    EllieMae i love this!
    Oct 24, 2023

    spottedpebble :^D thx!
    Oct 24, 2023

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  • When you use a school computer to do everything and you hope you don't get in trouble for trying to view blocked sites because you're looking up descriptions for characters and EVERY SINGLE LINK you click on is blocked.

    spottedpebble UPDATE: and the only links you can find that are available are super sketchy looking blog posts that you believe should really be blocked.
    Oct 23, 2023

    foxmaster I KNOW RIGHT
    Oct 23, 2023

  • I often wonder what it would be like if every person who has ever been in one of my poems (as in was there in the moment I was writing it/writing it about) wrote their own poem about those moments.
    Spoiler! :
    I've been trying to get my best friend to do one about the moment I wrote Young Again in Autumn (Best Friend) about because that friend was there, but that friend feels like they would be too terrible at it to even try. I still think they should try.

    GrHinds09 I'd be interested to read it if they do and I hope they do cause I bet it'll be better than they think. I feel like a lot of people (Myself very much included) are to hard on themselves about writing :(
    Oct 20, 2023

  • Just found a long-lost song. You know when some old songs are played on the radio when you are 10 and younger and then you never hear them ever again but then you find them one day and you start crying out of nostalgia and joy?

    spottedpebble OMG this song is so great. I never want it to stop playing. ~^v^~
    Oct 19, 2023

    spottedpebble Aah, I found another one! But now that I'm listening to the lyrics, this second one kinda sucks. Good tempo and melody, but terrible lyrics.
    Oct 19, 2023

  • I'm signing off for now. *falls asleep* ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    GrHinds09 Goodnight sleep tight don't let the bed bugs whisper threatening things in your ears while you try to rest
    Oct 19, 2023

  • Okay, I have just joined NaNoWriMo and come up with an idea!!!!! It only took half an hour!

  • I've got fall break right now because my district is unlike any other in this state. (Both a blessing and a curse.)

    SkyVibes At least you still have a fall break though! Think positive! What do you plan on doing for your fall break? Anything fun?
    Oct 18, 2023

    spottedpebble Babysitting my cousin's adorable yorkie who arrives for her stay tonight.

    (She's so cute and soft but pees when she gets too excited. 0_0)

    Oct 18, 2023

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  • Currently bored and just browsing...

As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.
— Pablo Neruda