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Young Writers Society

...colorful leaves crunching underfoot, golden sunlight shining through tree branches, a cool, comforting breeze blowing...


    Ignore all the previous hashtag stuff I've said.

    Index of Poetry Hashtags

  • spottedpebble wrote:Is there a thread of some sort where you can see all the existing hashtags?

    I mean, I know that there was once a hashtag that's #wallpoetry from seeing it on other people's walls, but it won't work for me. I also would like to know what YWS hashtags exist out there so I can use them.

    spottedpebble Oh, now it works. The one time when I'm not actually using it in a poem post.
    Nov 4, 2023

    spottedpebble (I still want there to be a thread with every hashtag in YWS.)
    Nov 4, 2023

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  • Is there a thread of some sort where you can see all the existing hashtags?

  • Lets see what the poetic lines generator can make:

    airy spirits of love sleep in the cold earth,
    poets of wanting vanish in the cold earth,
    men dressed in the color of discord sleep beside the river,
    the old ones of questioning echo beyond this moment,
    young lovers of longing breathe like a child,
    the men of winter turn beside the river,
    your oldest friends of death join after the storm,
    the memories of summer speak inside the meaning,
    the memories of longing echo before dawn,
    the seasons of discord mourn beneath the surface,
    women of questioning speak inside the meaning,

    Hmm... Now lets see what I can make:

    The laughter of family and conversations of religion
    A conversation I will never be a part of,
    Prayers before meals when the family gets together,
    The moments I most dread, making me never want to be here
    At all.
    What good is family when they don't do things you can participate in
    But you have to anyway out of politeness and respect?
    What good is family when someone makes fun of people,
    Not knowing that you're one of those people,
    And no one says anything
    At all?

    spottedpebble #wallpoetry
    Nov 4, 2023

  • Thanks for the tag!

  • I was just reading through some of the posts in The Official Goodbye/Departure Thread and I feel so bad that so many people left because people were terrible to them. I hope they are currently doing well in life and I deeply apologise if I've ever made anyone feel like that. 3:(

    spottedpebble I spelled "apologise" wrong for America. It's "apologize." BTW I'm not British, sorry If I gave you that impression.
    Jan 2, 2024

  • (To the tune of Love is an Open Door from Frozen.)

    Say goodbye to the avatar of the past. We don't have to see it anymore,
    A new avvie's an open door!

    spottedpebble Just made it by searching up images with a Creative Commons license on Google, remove.bg, and Google Slides.
    Nov 3, 2023

    spottedpebble IDK why I posted that image twice.
    Nov 3, 2023

  • Me singing: Just did my NaNo, whoo! Just did my NaNo, whoo-oo-oo!

  • I need to update my profile pic. It's still in Halloween mode. :/

  • Last night I actually managed to pull the words I didn't write for NaNo day 1 out of my head and get my daily average and word count back to an acceptable level! :smt040 :smt041 :smt042 :smt082

  • Today my English/Creative Writing teacher realized that my new glasses are the same glasses as hers.

  • I want to share an excerpt for Thursday, but I don't even have enough written to put in an excerpt yet! :'(

  • After school today I'm trying out for the part of Miss Honey in my school's production of Matilda Jr. I do not feel prepared at all. Well, wish me luck!

    Quillfeather Goodluck and remember to have fun!
    Nov 2, 2023

    NadyaStatham I love that movie. Luck!
    Nov 2, 2023

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  • spottedpebble
    Nov 1, 2023

    I'm changing up my signature again!

    Used to be:
    #FF0000 ">r#FF8000 ">a#FFFF00 ">i#40BF40 ">n#0040FF ">b#800080 ">o#404040 ">w
    #BF80BF ">spot~pebble~peb~

    #BFBFBF ">she/they?
    #BF8080 ">ya, she/they as far as i know

    #BFFFBF ">spottedpebble

    Is now:
    #FF0000 ">r#FF8000 ">a#FFFF00 ">i#40BF40 ">n#0040FF ">b#800080 ">o#404040 ">w
    #BF80BF ">spot~pebble~peb~pebb~
    #BF8080 ">in any order

    #BFBFBF ">she/they

    #BFFFBF ">spottedpebble

    spottedpebble Hmmm, that's odd. The BBC code did not translate into quotes well. hehe
    Nov 1, 2023

    spottedpebble (:
    Nov 1, 2023

  • I was lucky enough to be tagged by @Rinisha in the The Grandest Adventure tagbook started by @alpacaboss, and I have now submitted my own entry! I hope it sounds good, even though it's full of run-on sentences. ;] Also, now I want to know, is there a specific place to post tagbooks?

    foxmaster I normally post my *rather short* tagbooks in the Storybook Sanctuary! The posts in tagbooks are usually rather long, so it only makes sense. But if you have a short tagbook, I guess you can put them somewhere else?
    Also, I have a buncha tagbooks written in case tou're interested in joining!

    Nov 2, 2023

    spottedpebble Ooh, I'll take a look at them, foxmaster!
    Nov 4, 2023

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
— Albus Dumbledore