A Slightly Used Wall
megsug You're welcome. I try.
Nov 5, 2010
megsug Thanks, I think he's very talented
Nov 5, 2010
Hey, I got chapter 2 - part 1 for the Bourreau and the Waltz Dancer 8D
It's part 1 so some of the things you ask might be question in part 2.
Thanks for the review. I took a lot of your advice into account and am hoping to utilize most if not all when I get the chance to expand. Thanks again!
Thanks for reviewing my first chapter of "The Bourreau and the Waltz Dancer"
Bourreau = Executioner ( in French )
megsug You're welcome. I had kind of guessed but wanted to ask anyways.
Oct 19, 2010
Hi! I just wanted to give you a HUGE thank you for your critique! I followed a lot of your suggestions and I think it really helped out the story overall. So thank you so much for all your helpful advice.
lol, I'm trying to get a hold of my sisters laptop - I typed some of it up on there when I was bored, so now I need to transfer the documents and edit them....please little sister, let me have your laptop! lol
Megsug, I'm sorry but I won't be able to finish chapter 3 this weekend, so could you be a bit more patient? I've only got about 2 pages typed up, unedited. Anyway, thanx for reading my work! Fantasy
Nov 4, 2010