just a little collection of ramblings and dreams :)
Hi! Manilla here for a review. (I listened to the song, and it's gorgeous!!) Let's get right into it, shall we? I have zero nitpicks on the flow or word ...
Feb 17, 2019
Hi, Manilla here for a review. Let's get right into it, shall we? I'll start with the nitpicks (grammar, spelling, small details, etc) of the piece before my overall comments. ...
Feb 16, 2019
Hi! Manilla here as promised. Let's get right into it, shall we? I'll go in order of the story. こんにちは! I like these languages in the beginning as a greeting ...
Feb 15, 2019
Hey, fish. Manilla here for a review - let's get right into it, shall we? (I'm trying out a new review format so don't mind me. Tell me how it ...
Feb 12, 2019
Hi, and welcome to the poetry side of things! I too posted some of my first real poetry here...You'll improve in no time. So first things first! Your sequence of ...
Feb 7, 2019
Hi! Here for the review as requested. Let's get right into it, shall we? To understand what was going on, I had to briefly read some of the previous installments ...
Feb 3, 2019
Hi! Here for a review as requested. Let's get right into it, shall we? You had me wanting to know what happened next from the very beginning of the story. ...
Feb 1, 2019
Hello, fren :) You know that I should be doing work, but let's get right into the review! Since Etteim covered some of the nitpicky things, I won't be focusing ...
Jan 30, 2019
Hi! Manilla here for a review. Let's get right into it, shall we? I do my reviews as I go to provide the most thorough feedback. Again the whip comes ...
Jan 27, 2019
Hi! Manilla here for a review. Let's get right into it, shall we? I review as I go to give the most honest review. Well, here you go, I relate ...
Jan 26, 2019
Welcome to YWS! This is such a unique, beautiful poem to announce to us who you are as a writer. The imagery was vivd, compelling, and made great metaphors. On ...
Jan 21, 2019
This is so funny ohsadfii -- Hi! Manilla here for a review. Let's get right into it, shall we? Let's go into the nitpicks first. There were some places where ...
Jan 18, 2019
Hi, manilla here for a review! This was a really well-thought out poem, with beautiful symbolism and imagery that fall hand in hand. Water is the common theme in each ...
Jan 16, 2019
Hey! Manilla here for a review. Let's get right into it, shall we? The suspense in this piece was like a rollercoaster ride, and the plot twist at the end ...
Jan 9, 2019
Hi, manilla here for a review. Let's get right into it, shall we? As usual, I'll go through nitpicks first - Little errors in your writing that can be easily ...
Jan 3, 2019