Jan 20, 2025
looseleaf it just started!! i'm just preemptively worrying lol
Jan 20, 2025
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we got snowed in so bad that Christmas break was extended two more days and we have late starts Thursday and Friday 😠it is so insane people are sledding on the highway and skiing down my street. truly the pinnacle of living in Missouri.
RavenAkuma Woah!! Wild!! O.O
Jan 7, 2025
LadySpark Our area of MO in the snow is literally the worst and best thing in the world
Jan 8, 2025
I'll go first with my #favoritetopic ~ like any YWSer, I love the The Big Book of YWS Codes! However, I can never keep track of everything that's going on on this site at one time, so I always refer back to @alliyah and @DreamyAlice's The YWS Event Calendar. And let's not forget how much I love Last Person To Post Here Wins! [22] and all of its iterations. :)
Guess what everybody! Sometime last week, YWS's 100,000th topic was posted! This is a huge milestone and definitely worth celebrating. Your local ResCrew mods thought it would be fun to do a hashtag to commemorate the 100,011 (and counting) topics that have made the YWS forums what they are! To participate, post the hashtag #favoritetopic on your wall with your favorite topics in the YWS forums!
Que wrote:
Hey everyone!
A lot’s been going on for YWS’s 20th birthday, so I wanted to bring your attention to a YWS literary and art collection that you can take part in!
We’d love to see your poems, short stories, and art with a broad theme of community. Top pieces will be featured in a PDF edition!
Check out the details here, or by clicking on the image above.
Although it says the deadline is today, we are extending it out through the end of the month!
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my sister is about to take a driving lesson in my car and just asked which side is the gas and which is the brake... save me
LadyMysterio I did this to my dad, and went he "oh dear"
Dec 1, 2024
RavenAkuma OH JEEZ, praying for your car XDD
Dec 1, 2024
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last night i dreamed that yws broke the record for the most registered users online with 128. however, that was only because @Snoink made 25 new accounts for each remaining letter of the alphabet, including @Yoink and @Poink. dream me was not happy about this.
Happy five-year anniversary, YWS. Twelve-year-old me would have never imagined that she would be filling out college applications while still a member, let alone a global moderator, here. Thank you to everyone who has made this website so special and convinced me to stick around. You have truly changed my life. Here's to another five years. <3
In honor of YWS's 20th year of existence, we're celebrating these two decades with an online literary and art collection, by the authors of YWS to celebrate our amazing community. The theme is Community to celebrate the special way that from diverse and various experiences and backgrounds we've all landed here as part of this special community, you can interpret that theme as broadly as you like! The top selected works will be featured in a final PDF version distributed on the site that you can print off or email to your friends. Go to the link here to learn more!
We hope to see all your wonderful submissions soon!
alliyah wrote:The 20th Birthday Party for YWS begins tomorrow! Don't forget to log-in, catch-up, and join in all the fun! Invite all your friends and bring your party hats! Birthday Schedule Here
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i hope every friend i have ever had on yws who has become inactive knows i still remember them. and miss them dearly.
winterwolf0100 <33
Oct 16, 2024
!!!Roxanne wrote:TRICK OR TAGS?
Another batch of SpookyTags is coming in! Hope you all had fun with the previous tags. Remember, to join in, post the hashtag on your wall along with your answer. Earn yourself a shiny badge by participating in at least one tag(preview coming soon). And the hashtags are...
Every character has something to fear, therefore pick a side character from your novel and reveal their worst fear. Add their name and explain the origin of their fear. (You can also reveal a phobia. For example, a fear of blood, germs, perhaps even breadcrumbs)
Think of 'pumpkin spice hot chocolate' or 'homemade cranberry juice'. Choose an autumn drink that best represents your novel and post that on your wall along with your (possible) title. Feel free to explain why it fits!
We're already a week through PlanMo now! I hope all is going well with the planning, happy writing! Don't forget to check out other fun Spooktober events!
#SpookyTags #NovMoTags
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Feb 7, 2025
Guess what, everyone? Social Week is right around the corner! Mark your calendars, because from February 10-14, the mod squad will be hosting a week of fun activities, hashtags, pad parties, and more! Hop on over to the official thread to read more about it.