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  • Mageheart
    Oct 11, 2017

    Congratulations on getting your first review star!

  • DeerInBacPac
    Oct 11, 2017

    Thanks for the follow! Also, FIRST STAR!

    jster02 YEA! Only took me four days...
    Oct 11, 2017

  • DeerInBacPac
    Oct 11, 2017

    Hi! I haven't been here long either but this is a fantastic sight, take my word for it. Also, it's nice to meet a fellow introvert. (I read your post on the welcome page) Welcome to YWS!

  • wordwing
    Oct 10, 2017

    Aaaaaand never mind, someone just made a chapter about something similar.......Well, part of it is(the way of doing it is diffrent but ugh)

  • wordwing
    Oct 10, 2017

    I am curious.What exactly did you have in mind when you said(wrote) that you could see where i am going with the taxes?

    jster02 Well, I’m not a big fantasy reader, (I like it, but I don’t look at it any differently than other genres), but it looks to me like you were planning to overthrow the king. I’ve seen it before. You might be doing something different. I was just saying it looks that way.
    Oct 10, 2017

    wordwing Well i do not wanna disappoint you, but i DID AND DID NOT(in between i guess),something similar but not exactly.I never thought of just overthrowing the king(evil laugh).Well,i don't wanna spoil and i hope no one did something like what i am planning before,because if someone did, i never read it.
    Oct 10, 2017

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  • Mageheart
    Oct 9, 2017

    Hello and welcome to YWS! I'm sae. If you ever have any questions, feel free to come to me.

    If I can't answer your questions, or I'm not on when you have one, you can always ask the users whose names are in green (moderators) or red (administrators). Other users would be happy to help as well.

    Also, here's some helpful parts of YWS that can help you understand how things work on the site:

    Welcome Mat
    Knowledge Base - YWS
    FAQ For New Users
    YWS Critique Sandwich

    There's also a really cool part of the site that I suggest checking out! It's called the Storybook section of the site, and it's a place where you can collaborate with other writers in roleplays or even full-blown stories. I've been in a lot of them before, so please don't be afraid to ask me more about them if that seems like something you'd be into!

    By the way, what type of things do you like to write? I write fantasy novels that are sometimes also mysteries, and occasionally short stories.


  • alliyah
    Oct 8, 2017

    Hi there! Welcome to Young Writers Society. I hope you're enjoying the site so far. If you find yourself needing any help finding your way around, don't hesitate to reach out. :) Good luck in your writing endeavors!


Almost all absurdity of conduct rises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble.
— Samuel Johnson