I'll join your storybook as soon as I have time. Tomorrow, maybe? It looks cool, but a little confusing. :P
*signs sloppily*
Madame Kool
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Hello! :smt006 There I signed! *Signs with fat green spray paint can in dark corner*
Hehe. No, not really :P . Greenjay's like a code name I made up. I used to always name the main characters in my stories Jay, and they always had a green cloak or tunic. Eventually I came up with greenjay as kinda a code name thingy. So...if anyone wondered, that's where my username came from :D :D :D .
-Jay of green cloth
Hey Greenjay, I'm Max just wanted to say hi.... and there you go... I said it.
Hey Green one!
Thought I'd drop by and sign.
(so sorry, I have no witty signature)
Thanks for the comments on Harestin and all!
Hey! Just got done reading your troll fight and loved it! *Signs guestbook grafiti style in black, red, and blotched of dark green and silently receeds back into the shadows* 8)
[quote:13798ee85f]If Hillary wins the election Bill Clinton will become the 1st male 1st Lady! [/quote:13798ee85f]
No, he'll become the first 'First [i:13798ee85f]Gentleman[/i:13798ee85f]'. ^_~
WELCOME to YWS! Welcome, welcome, welcome *sings in a rythum*. :mrgreen:
How do you like YWS so far? Well we all welcome you and your stories. Hope to see you around. Later.
-- M.B.Author
-! :screeches, scares a cat:
I shall remedy this immediately. :P
:pulls out plate of usual goodies: :scribbles "iNkIe WaS hEre!" in sparkly neon-grene glue, glitter, trumpet sound effects: :surveys effect critically: Something's missing.... :adds on a green toothpaste flourish: there we go. :mrgreen:
Thanks for reviewing Kismet! I'll be putting another section up soon! :P
Hee. Now [i:5c0a7d41d1]that's[/i:5c0a7d41d1] a signature you can brag about :P
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Aug 28, 2007