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Young Writers Society

  • Ooh! You should keep a day free for us to meet if you do come in December! So, COME!

    Hindi! Ah. I struggle with its grammar. I'm better at understanding it.

    fluteluvr77 Definitely!(:
    Jun 21, 2011

  • fluteluvr77
    Jun 18, 2011

    Modeling = LOVE!<3
    Also, I have a short story idea that I wanna write out for my best friend.
    She's done a lot for me and I figured it would be a nice gift?
    Someone needs to make me write it out though. Like. Now. XD

    JabberHut Write. Now.
    Jun 18, 2011

  • Dude, I love your username. (:

  • CuteJackRussell
    Jun 18, 2011

    I love your avvie, it's so colorful and well, colorful!

    CuteJackRussell and it's is anime (or manga) so what's not to like!
    Jun 18, 2011

  • fluteluvr77
    Jun 16, 2011

    Ah! Photo shoot tomorrow! Eeeeeeee! -happyface-

  • No problem! Thank you for such a great short story ^__^

  • fluteluvr77
    Jun 4, 2011

    Eee! Flight to India tomorrow!!!
    -super excited-

    Lava DOOOOD! HERE?!

    Jun 5, 2011

    fluteluvr77 mhm!
    I'll be at Chennai by Monday night!(:

    Jun 5, 2011

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  • Dragongirl
    Jun 2, 2011

    My pleasure! :)

  • Dreamwalker
    Jun 1, 2011

    No problem! :)

  • xDudettex
    May 30, 2011

    I wish I could write poetry. I've only ever written two poems that are sort of half decent, but I won't dare post them on here. They'd be ripped apart :P

  • Mickixoxo
    May 30, 2011

    YES!!! I WAS DYING!!! DX my feet still hurt and we ended the parade like four hours ago!! And it didn't help that we had to stand for a half an hour while some old guy talked about suicide D:

  • xDudettex
    May 30, 2011

    Uh, I started writing my first novel when I was twelve but then stopped because school got hectic with exams. I started writing it again when I was fifteen and finshed it a couple of weeks after my sixteenth birthday :)

  • xDudettex
    May 30, 2011

    Haha, I'm surprised I've written that many actually. I have no patience what-so-ever :P It takes time... and patience, and then you'll get there one day!

  • Mickixoxo
    May 29, 2011

    My school is small and doesn't have a marching band, so the regular band is forced to march in parades. Soo... tomorrow, on my day off of school, I have to wake up at 6:30 AM and dress in skimpy shorts and a tank-top, where I will then arrive at school at 7, and cover said tank and shorts with thick black over-all like pants and long sleeve coat. Then, we will march for a mile in 85 degree weather. THEN we have to get ready for a second parade while old people talk about things that no one cares about. Then we have to march ANOTHER mile and a half.
    Did I mention that it's mid eighties?
    I did?

  • Mickixoxo
    May 29, 2011

    Pahaha thanks <3
    And just for the record, I love your username! In fact, I'm playing my flute in a parade tomorrow :3 well... bleh, that part is bad... but the flute part is good! Haha

"I never expected that I should be a queen so soon."
— Alice's Adventures in Wonderland