charcoalspacewolfman Your welcome, thanks for the story.
Apr 2, 2011
Wow, thanks. That's the first time I've ever received a compliment that included the word 'crappy'. However, that's the first time I ever intentionally wrote a story horribly wrong.
Thanks for your review!
charcoalspacewolfman And thank you for your reviews, I appreciate it.
Apr 2, 2011
Jenthura No problem! Actually, I didn't review Garbage World yet, but I liked reading it.
Apr 3, 2011
According to Llamas with Hats, Forgiveness sounds like screaming, then silence and Friendship is two cows munching on a well-cooked face.
I really really really need to work on my conversations. I would say conversation skills, but I currently have none.
LadyFreeWill Ditto.
Mar 27, 2011
Thanks for the review
I too love knives-- am planning on using those quite a bit throughout the story. And I'll try to uncliche a couple bits, and look at my commas.
Again, thanks!
LadyFreeWill ... I'm pretty sure that's not how it goes. [shrugs:] But it works for me. Let's all just be sure not to make that our life philosophy, though.
Mar 27, 2011
My one-year-old nephew does not understand the concept of a person screaming when he puts his cold little hands on their arm...
I'm currently trying to write the second installment of Hot Rod. Unfortunately, Microsoft Word has been very RUDE and I have to write on here. Oh well; I shall persevere.
Hey there, and a belated welcome to you! Love your username.
If you have anything you're curious about, please don't hesitate to ask. Everyone is super friendly (as you may have noticed). Hope you're enjoying yourself here!
you have such a LONELY wall - welcome need anything just ask, green people are helpfull ( no they are not PHYSICALLy green, just - oh never mind) so well *does confined finger dancing to welcome you* have fun!
Don't worry, I AM insane
~ Tinkem
charcoalspacewolfman Thank you, I think I see the green people you mean.
Feb 5, 2011
Feb 5, 2011
Mar 31, 2011