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  • charcoalspacewolfman
    Mar 31, 2011

    I can dash off a short story in a good hour, but it's been nearly that long writing to a girl and I haven't got more than one sentence...

  • Ranger Hawk
    Mar 29, 2011

    Hey, thanks for the reviews! :D

    charcoalspacewolfman Your welcome, thanks for the story.
    Apr 2, 2011

  • Jenthura
    Mar 27, 2011

    Wow, thanks. That's the first time I've ever received a compliment that included the word 'crappy'. :lol: However, that's the first time I ever intentionally wrote a story horribly wrong.
    Thanks for your review!

    charcoalspacewolfman And thank you for your reviews, I appreciate it.
    Apr 2, 2011

    Jenthura No problem! Actually, I didn't review Garbage World yet, but I liked reading it.
    Apr 3, 2011

  • charcoalspacewolfman
    Mar 22, 2011


  • charcoalspacewolfman
    Mar 14, 2011

    According to Llamas with Hats, Forgiveness sounds like screaming, then silence and Friendship is two cows munching on a well-cooked face.

  • charcoalspacewolfman
    Mar 2, 2011

    I really really really need to work on my conversations. I would say conversation skills, but I currently have none.

    LadyFreeWill Ditto.
    Mar 27, 2011

  • Button
    Feb 8, 2011

    Thanks for the review :)
    I too love knives-- am planning on using those quite a bit throughout the story. And I'll try to uncliche a couple bits, and look at my commas. :)
    Again, thanks!

  • charcoalspacewolfman
    Feb 7, 2011

    If you can't beat 'em, try again with a weapon.

    LadyFreeWill ... I'm pretty sure that's not how it goes. [shrugs:] But it works for me. Let's all just be sure not to make that our life philosophy, though.
    Mar 27, 2011

  • carbonCore
    Feb 6, 2011

    Thanks for your review of "Ash". :) Welcome to YWS!

  • charcoalspacewolfman
    Feb 6, 2011

    My one-year-old nephew does not understand the concept of a person screaming when he puts his cold little hands on their arm...

  • charcoalspacewolfman
    Feb 5, 2011

    I'm currently trying to write the second installment of Hot Rod. Unfortunately, Microsoft Word has been very RUDE and I have to write on here. Oh well; I shall persevere.

  • Button
    Feb 5, 2011

    Hey there, and a belated welcome to you! Love your username. :)
    If you have anything you're curious about, please don't hesitate to ask. Everyone is super friendly (as you may have noticed). Hope you're enjoying yourself here!

  • tinkembell
    Feb 3, 2011

    :) you have such a LONELY wall - welcome :P need anything just ask, green people are helpfull ( no they are not PHYSICALLy green, just - oh never mind) so well *does confined finger dancing to welcome you* have fun!

    Don't worry, I AM insane

    ~ Tinkem

    charcoalspacewolfman Thank you, I think I see the green people you mean.
    Feb 5, 2011

    tinkembell :)
    Feb 5, 2011

Education is education. We should learn everything and then choose which path to follow. Education is neither Eastern or Western; it is human.
— Malala