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  • Auteur
    Jun 22, 2010

    Heyy, thanks for the review =)

    borntoshop No problem! :D Great read..
    Jun 23, 2010

  • Pippiedooda
    Apr 14, 2009

    Hi! :D Just thought I would sign your guestbook ;)

    mmm sushi is the best food ever! :P

    Is there anything specific you would like me to review? :)

  • xDudettex
    Apr 12, 2009

    I promise to review the new part of your story.

    If I haven't done it by Monday night then bug me!

    xDudettex :D

  • xDudettex
    Mar 16, 2009

    Hey =]

    Thanks for reading and reviewing Imo!

    Yes - It was short because it was part one of chapter four. Chapter 4.2 should be up later this week :D


  • mhmmcolleenx0
    Mar 6, 2009

    Thanks for reviewing my story! Don't think you're going to find out what she did just yet...I'm planning on torturing you until I feel like telling it. For now, I will be dropping subtle hints. Right now, I think most of it will come out in the second chapter. Not everything, but the general idea of what went down. So, you'll just have to wait. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Sorry, I'm on a bit of a sugar high! By the way, I really like your story. I reviewed it. I went a little nit-pick crazy. So sorry. I feel like I'm writing a book soo.

    *Signs guest book*

    [color=violet:d7f8e0a7b8][size=18:d7f8e0a7b8]COLLEEN WAS HERE!!!! YAY! [/size:d7f8e0a7b8][/color:d7f8e0a7b8]

  • xDudettex
    Mar 3, 2009

    Hey =]

    Thank you for sticking with my story, Imo: Split personality.

    Your comments are really nice :D


"Do not try to be pretty. You weren't meant to be pretty; you were meant to burn down the earth and graffiti the sky. Don't let anyone ever simplify you to just 'pretty'"
— Suzanne Rivard