Thank you for the review . And I looked at your photography on the facebook page, they're brilliant. I wish I had that sort of talent.
borntoshop You're welcome.
Aww, thank-you! That means a lot. You do have talent. You're very good at writing! Or were you meaning specifically in photography? :L
Jul 28, 2011
confetti Yes, I did mean specifically photography, hahah, but thank you for the compliment anyway!
Jul 28, 2011
If you're reading this, please take the time to comment too. I'm lacking inspiration in all areas. I want to write, but I can't. I want to photograph something that means something, but I can't. So, I need everyone's help! What makes y'all happy, laugh, or smile? Tell me, tell me, tell me. Whether it's something as simple as bubbles flying around the bright blue sky, or the sound of the voice of someone you love. Maybe a childhood memory? Comment below. And maybe, just maybe I'll get enough inspiration to write something using bits and bobs from here and there. And, when I'm done, I'll post the story along with a photograph into one of the genres. That is, if I can't be pushed through this writers block. Help?
TabbyGirl Alright. I'll try to help you, dear...
Um, okay, things that inspire me, well, I like to right fantasy, so, I'm inspired by medieval times, and magic, and fantastic beasts... Also, I'm inspired by people in my life. Like, my pastor, she's a really funny, interesting woman... maybe you could think of people in your like who intrigue you, and warp them into characters of your own, you know?....
If none of that helps, try here for help from other people....
Also, don't force yourself to write. Take a break, read a book... maybe you'll find some inspiration there
Jul 18, 2011
TabbyGirl wow, I can't believe I put "right" instead of "write"... face/palm
Jul 18, 2011
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borntoshop You're most welcome! Thanks for the great read.
Jul 18, 2011
thatoddkid Haha welcome
Jul 18, 2011
Hey, I just wanted to say that I was looking through your photography and you're AMAZING! They are the most coolest shots I have ever seen (seriously). What camera do you use?
borntoshop Woah, LOVE this comment. Thank-you so much, it really means a lot. I used to just have a point and shoot, nothing special at all. In fact, I only got it because the colour of it was pink. :L but then I just go hooked on taking photos, my dad noticed and for a special treat he brought me a Canon. So that's the camera I use now. Some of the ones in the photography album are with the other camera though.
Jun 29, 2011
JustMeNathalie That's awesome! Canon's are so awesome. And, again, you are great with the camera.
Oh, and THANK YOU for the follow!!
Jun 29, 2011
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borntoshop You're welcome.
Jun 29, 2011
borntoshop ...thank-you for the awesome read.
Jun 29, 2011
borntoshop Woah, really? I hadn't noticed. Thank-you for telling me i have! :L
Jun 27, 2011
CuteJackRussell Haha, that's fine! =)
Jun 27, 2011
borntoshop He's adorable, eh? <3
May 31, 2011
Lilprincess yes he is %u2665
May 31, 2011
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borntoshop Hello.
May 3, 2011
Anyone as excited for the royal wedding as MEEEEEE??? Lucky Kate, she gets her own prince.
Jul 30, 2011
You may not believe it, but FYI they were taken from my phones camera!