That story I sent through emails? Well, that's the same one! I think you made it to chapter 2 or something. But if you want me to send more, I certainly can. :)
:elephant: :smt026 :smt081 :smt005 :smt003 :smt038 :smt082 :smt109 :smt119
I finished chapter nine! I'm on CHAPTER TEN!!!
*dances crazily*
That's probably nothing for you, but I've never been this far, and I'm not even having loyalty issues yet! :D
*ahem* Okay. I'm all right now.
Whoops sorry I haven't replied I've been busy lately anywho I think you should go for it. You'd be great!
Wow, haha, that sounds even more confusing! But it sounds really cool, too! I've always loved being ahead of people xD Hopefully it won't be too stressful for you?
Well, I could take a look indeed! Right now I don't have anything for you to review, but if you like I can let you know when I post something! :D
Woo, college! Or... is it not cool? It sounds cool for me, though, since we don't have colleges in here xD The school systems in other countries sound so weird to me...
My writing is pretty non-existent at the moment... When I was at my summer cottage a few weeks ago, I finished two short stories and one poem, and after that, nada. I'm not even doing the JulNo or anything. Although I did write an article for Squills, but that doesn't count, I guess :P
Have you written much lately? Is there anything you'd like a review on? I promise I would do it quicker than with the Bullet to the Brain one... *shifty eyes*
Hey Ashley! I was so glad to receive your guestbook sign :)
Well, I saw you comment on my blog, so I think you know I met some famous people this week xD Hehe. It was really exciting.
I've been on my summer holidays for over a month now, and there's still a month left :D I should do my German summer exercices... D: And I also have a scout camp coming up, but then I guess I'll just be wallowing at home and on YWS :P
What about you?
I really can't imagine m niece talking, but she's started to make noises that actually sound like words, plus she's super smart. I think she's going to be one of those genius babies that does everything years before they're supposed to.
Yeah, I guess I will tell her that. But I'm going to wait till I'm back home before I critique it. And, like I said, it is seriously bad. And I feel bad for saying it's bad, but sometimes you cannot lie, you know? *sigh*
I want to be somewhere not as warm as it is here! It's so [i:fc1e60ba52]hot[/i:fc1e60ba52] and [i:fc1e60ba52]wet[/i:fc1e60ba52]! Ugh! I think I might live in Oregon one day. At least it's cold and humid. :lol: Maybe I'll be a snowbird. That will solve my problems: Oregon in the summer, Arizona (aw yeah!) in the winter. Stupid? Yes. :D
I . . . did well. I'm surprised how well I did, and I'm glad I don't have to retake, but I hate saying my score because it reminds me of elementary school and people are going all around saying, "What did [i:fc1e60ba52]you[/i:fc1e60ba52] get?" It makes me feel bad. :( But, hey, at least it's over and done with! :D *throws a party*
Talk later.
Yeah, it's been fun, but I am [i:804a3c67e0]sooo[/i:804a3c67e0] ready to go home. I mean, I'm gonna miss my sister and the baby, (and I guess my brother-in-law), but I . . . just want to go home! I've been here for 2 months! I'm so sick of Arkansas! (Shh, don't tell my sister!)
It seems like she's growing so slowly and so fast at the same time. Like when I came here, she had practically no hair, and now she has this thin little mullet going on. And she's grabbing things and almost sitting up and almost rolling over, but it just happens at a certain rate so it seems like it's taking forever, but it's not. :P Weird.
That sounds like fun! Well, not the poster-making and that stuff, which I hate, but the party sounds fun. I bet the little ones loved it. :)
Oh, you do write fast. Compared to the rest of us you do. And I think you can still write slowly and not to such a great job. Take me as an example. And here in Arkansas I met this girl in the neighborhood who is a writer, and she emailed me her story to critique, only I read it and it's horrendous. *not even kidding* It's all tell-not-show, lacking descriptions and characterization, it chops from one thing to the next, and to top it off, it's totally anti-feminist. (The girl gets kidnapped by these secret agent people like six times.) What do I do? I don't want to kill her spirit, but it's just . . . ugh. :( I feel kinda bad for talking about it, but I don't know what to do.
I think Lucy should be coming back sometime . . . early next week, I think, but I'm not positive. Grr, I still can't believe she's in [i:804a3c67e0]Jamaica[/i:804a3c67e0].
Okay, we'll do that. Chapter nine is [i:804a3c67e0]almost[/i:804a3c67e0] done. Unfortunately, I haven't decided when I'm going to end it, I'm not the mistress of all cliff hangers like you are. :wink:
Yeah, I took the ACT too, only I thought you took the SAT. I did surprisingly well. Now I just have to decide which college I want to go to. *oh boy* It makes me tired just thinking about it. :lol:
See ya!
Sorry for not replying to your guestbook post. :lol: Got busy and I forgot.
So you're back from Tennessee. I leave Arkansas in . . . a week? And a half, I think. Sorry that you had to spend the fourth working. :( It rained here, but I thought it was kind of pretty. We drove around for a bit just to see a little of the countryside, plus the whole shin-dig down where the parade was was kinda lame. :lol:
I thought about taking Child Development classes, you know, the ones that make you carry around a fake baby for the birth control part? But I thought better of it. I might take one some other year. Anyway, my niece is giving me a crash course on How Babies Actually Work. So far, I've learned a lot.
What do you mean you're not a fast writer? You're popping out chapters every few weeks, and I finish temp drafts every month! I think you're one of the fastest writers on YWS, at least with [i:fbf2d32097]Inconcessus[/i:fbf2d32097], anyway. Also, your new story is awesome. And I noticed you took the beginning from your other story, whatever-it-was-called. It works great with this one. :D
I'm so lonely without Lucy! She usually bugs me every day with PMs about our class, and it'll be a few more days before she comes back! Plus the class is in a slump because Lucy's not there to force-cheer everyone up. (I'm kinda the half-hearted cheerer-upper, if you didn't notice.) Anyway, I guess she was supposed to go to Mexico for the trip, but it got shut down because of the swine flu. :( I would rather go to Jamaica than Mexico anyway.
Thanks! I'm almost finished with my chapter nine, so we shall party soon! Or should we party when I finish chapter ten? Uh, that'll be at least another month. :(
Have you gotten your SAT score back? I hope you did well!
Well, as a matter of fact, the weather in ireland has been increasingly decent.
Not so many dreary greys and rain pricked days as is normal.
thats bound to change though, it's always the way.
You get a nice patch, then, as if to spite you, the weather gets worse than before.
I've been writing, but slowly...
The summer months are never a kind time for me.
Hey girl! Sorry it took so long I never check my guestbook lol anywho my family is great. How's yours? And you too?
Hiya. :D
Tennessee sounds awesome. Natural beauty, a little humidity, and lack of scary cross-bred bugs. I wish I was there. :)
Sadly, there are no fireflies in Idaho. Which is a shame, because they're so cool. We were driving home from the fireworks on the Fourth, and one hit our windshield when it was lit! The glowing stuff kept glowing for about 30 seconds and then it just turned into regular nasty bug fluid.
By the way, how was your Fourth of July? Did you spend it at home or in Tennessee?
Oh, my niece is cute and lovable, all right. But she does have her dark side. She's developed this grunt-then-cry-then-scream routine to get us to pick her up. Can you believe that? 5 months old and she's already manipulating her environment. :smt011
All right! We'll party when chapter nine is finished. (That will be in about a month. I'm sorry, but we all can't be as fast as you, Speedy Gonzalez. :P )
Yeah, your chapter 20 wasn't your best, but I'm excited for the rewrite, and what happens after. :wink: Ooh, your new story has an awesome title. What's it about? I love staring new stories, even if they aren't my major projects. I renamed one of my stories and I work on it when I am in a slump with [i:fd33b4e76b]The Silver Lining[/i:fd33b4e76b]. Which means it goes twice as slow. :)
Lucy's in Jamaica, did you hear? Lucky girl.
See ya!
Hey, Ash.
I'm glad your vacation in Tennessee was good. My brother-in-law traveled there when he went on his business trip. He said it was one of his favorite places.
My summer's going well. Arkansas is an interesting place, but it has it downsides, like the heat and humidity, and the insects. It if officially titled The Land of the Freaky Mutant Bugs. But the fireflies are cool. They don't have bugs whose butts light up where I come from. :D
I kind of wish I had a job right now. My schedule is really sporadic, with taking care of the baby and all. Everything depends on what mood she's in, and it's usually not a good one. :) But she's cuter than heck and that's why we love her!
I'm glad Inconcessus is going well. You reached 20! Have you celebrated yet? I'm on the verge of reaching the double digits (something I've never done before) and I plan to have a party with all my weird bookish friends to celebrate! :lol: Of course, all the YWS people will be invited . . . :D
See ya!
Jul 25, 2009
I read your two chapters the other day, and I loved them both totally and completely :D. How are you? What have you been up to? Are you enjoying the summer? Have you done/plan to do anything? Tell all!! You know how much I love to read long guestbook replies :wink: =D.
Speak soon!! :D
--Lucy-lu xx