So, a long time ago, you reviewed 1.1 of my novel, and I have finally updated chapter 2.0, because I re-wrote a looooot of it. It's kind of long, but It would be greatly appreciated if you could look over it and tell me what you think!
The Ashes 2.0
She's a hopeless dreamer . . . .
Noelle I end up rereading reviews and wondering why I thought they even made sense to begin with. Most of mine are just rambling >.>
Nov 19, 2015
artybirdy Your reviews make perfect sense! Trust me, I'd know. You once reviewed a poem of mine and it really helped me.
Nov 20, 2015
artybirdy Oh, yes! But I still haven't read 1.2 yet. I can't promise, but I will try my best to review both parts as soon as possible.
Nov 18, 2015
elysian take your time, I totally understand xD I'm on the fifth chapter of a novel of 11 chapters + a prologue and I've beenfailing atreviewing this novel since September. xD
Nov 18, 2015
artybirdy Thank you for that. I feel loved. xD
Can I ask what you're excited about?
Nov 18, 2015
Ugh! I feel like writing a short story but I don't know what to write about. #writerproblems
deleted21 Write something adventurous!
Nov 17, 2015
artybirdy I haven't actually tried that before. Hmm, I'll see how it goes! Thank you.
Nov 17, 2015
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I read people talking about their #nano novels and I am just sitting here like:
I haven't made any progress since the third day of November.
racket Aw dang, sorry. :/
Nov 15, 2015
artybirdy There's no need to be sorry! It's taught me that I should, and I need to, plan my novel before I decide to do #nano . xD
Nov 15, 2015
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I apologise if I haven't replied to any comments or messages lately. I know it's not an excuse but I've been extremely busy these past few weeks. I'll try my best to keep up now. Thank you for understanding!
You know what I hate? That parents ruin a lovely day because of the anger directed at someone else but taken out on the child(ren).
Dracula For the year 2015, you do 15 minutes of writing everyday.
Nov 9, 2015
artybirdy Ooh, I'll definitely try it. I'm sure it'll motivate me to continue my #NaNo (somewhat). xD
Thanks for clarifying it.
Nov 9, 2015
deleted21 Take a break, eat some chocolate, you'll be fine and boosted!
Nov 6, 2015
tigeraye heheh, its ok, me neither. Its like NaNo came along and all my motivation to work on my novel went out the window.
Nov 6, 2015
Last night, I wasted two hours surfing the Internet when I could have worked on my novel for #NaNo . I really, really regret that. *sighs*
racket I'm doing that right now...
Nov 15, 2015
Has anyone on here ever done CSS in HTML coding, basic and/or advanced? I’d appreciate any helpful sites or (free) crash courses as I urgently need to revise it. Please! And, thank you. >.<
deleted21 You can do it!
Nov 2, 2015
artybirdy Thank you!
Nov 2, 2015
@TheDarkWriter, @steampowered, @Reneia, @Stegosaurus, @DrFeelGood, and @Anonymous, Thank you for starring my recent poem, To Write a Poem. You all have taken it to the Literary Spotlight, and I really appreciate you for taking the time to read it.
Nov 19, 2015
I'm not good at presenting my thoughts or use "big" words, so it's always a pleasant surprise to read and review an old review. xD