DEFINITELY. The internet and I have a very complex, love-hate relationship... -.-
Yes, definitely. I loveeeee typewriters. The noise they make is satisfying. Much more than the silent scribble of pen on paper or the plastic-y sound of a keyboard.
- I've got a typewriter! I am super excited to begin writing on it I've just rewound the ink strip, now I've got to find an idea and type away like I'm a mad woman.
Er... I won the contest last year. The one about the Paranormal. Could we 'discuss' my winnings?
WrittenInStone Yes, yes we can. I've forgotten about what the winnings were but if you tell me I'm sure I'll get started on it right away.
Mar 9, 2012
www.youngwriterssociety.com/work.php?id=93421 < New poem; one that I am loving alot. Maybe I'll enter a couple contests with this one just for fun XD
- Desolate trees stretch, reaching for the freedom of the sky; to escape this barren world of white, as the birds whom had fled south had done.
-- "What do you do when there's nothing left to lose? Nothing left that can be taken or stolen away, nothing that can hurt you anymore? Is it still possible for people to hurt you, is it possible that they won't be able to get passed those exterior defenses?" ~ Anonymous.
writen in stone 4 november is allready came why you didn't tell who won in your compation ,iam waiting here!!
- Remembrance Day is coming soon and I need to make a poem for a contest; I also need to make a poem to read aloud in school-- one problem; has to be in french. [[Did anyone realize how difficult it is to make a french poem with rhyming stanzas?]]
At last I have come to understand;; you are but a figment of my imagination though imagination is a vast and complex thing.
WrittenInStone Of course, I'd love to.
Oct 3, 2011
Fiyero Thanks!
Oct 3, 2011
Mar 16, 2012
Would love to know your opinion.