Cleaning my Room:
10% Cleaning
30% Complaining
60% Playing with stuff I've found
Love Pfft exactly XD
Feb 12, 2013
SushiSashimi333 And my mom wonders why it takes me so long to organize my bookshelf.
May 31, 2013
DestinyxFate and comes a teenager in alot of trouble....
Jun 12, 2013
ToBeMe Very true, my friend. Very true
Jun 12, 2013
ToBeMe Thanks... Yours is prett epic too...
Funny thing is, my cat actually does do that.
Feb 12, 2013
GeeLyria o__o Can I meet him/her?
XDD lol
Feb 12, 2013
I don't get why in all the scary movies the main character walks into some place, hears some creepy noise and calls out "Hello?"
Yeah. Like the killer is going to answer...
Love Well, maybe a part of them wants to believe that everything is ok and the 'hello' translatestto "please oh please be a normal person >><<" .-.
Feb 11, 2013
Dear McDonalds Cashier,
don't look at me like that.
There is no age limit on a Happy Meal. And Don't Forget the Toy.
Why do we feel safer when we hide under the blankets?
It's not like a murderer will come in thinking, "I'm gonna kill- Oh damn She's under a blanket!"
Love Pfft XD Well, I feel much safer because I always imagine it to be a monster relying on me seeing it XD
Feb 11, 2013
Love Ohh, and I feel twice as safe if I am not touching the floor. When I was smaller I always imagined monsters which are bound to the ground, and even now when scared I often get my legs under me when sitting on a chair X3
Feb 11, 2013
Fool Me once- Shame on You.
Fool Me twice- Shame on Me.
Fool Me 363,847 times- You must be the Weather Man.
When I'm on my death bed I want my final words to be: "I left 1 million dollars in the..."
(Or maybe not but you got to admit that would be funny...)
I've always wanted to turn around in a big chair and say, "I've been expecting you."
I've always wanted to go into an elevator full of strangers and say, "I bet you're wondering why I've gathered you all here today."
Feb 13, 2013