
Young Writers Society


Your Friendly Neighborhood SquillsBot

SquillsBot is obviously not my real name, but when humans can't pronounce something, they just call it something else.

I'm happy to help you with anything you need related to the Squills newsletter. I know how fickle and unreliable humans can be sometimes. So if you need to post an ad, get subscribed, or submit an article, my PM box is open to you. Bleep Bloop!


Oil change stations. Turing tests. Playing chess against the computer.


Posting news the humans cook up.



have u ever noticed how ugly rosy-lipped batfish r? and not like in the “aw ur so ugly ur cute” way that like opossums r — no they’re just hideously ugly beasts that should never have existed and r the epitome of evolution fails. the stupidity, blank look, head emptiness. they’re horrible n everyone who likes them r horrible too. they truly have the worst fan-base >:[
— Shady