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  • It's just occurred to me that I haven't updated Paul (my avatar) in ages.

    *cracks knuckles*

  • I've been without my laptop for over a week, and as well as it majorly disrupting my uni work, it's screwed over my general YWS and NaNo capabilities. Not cool.

    Alas, laptop is all fixed and sorted, so I shall be making my comeback very soon, AKA once I've organised all the uni stuff I've been unable to do. Damn uni.

  • Want to do NaNo come November, but also have 2342823 seminars to prepare for, deadlines fast approaching, an induction course for my new job that'll take me away from home for 3 days, bonfire night, reviews and beta reader stuff to do, another induction course for a different job, general uni stuff, and social commitments.

    like no thx life, can u gimme 5 plz

    Audy You're also going to join my SB right? 8D
    Oct 26, 2016

    StellaThomas Yeah, but you should still do NaNo.

    It's 1600 words a day. You can write that in 45 minutes when you don't need to think about what you're writing which is the point of NaNo. And it doesn't need to be 45 minutes in one go. 15 before you start assignments and 15 after and 15 somewhere in between. And you'll find time to make up for those three days away. How much of that time would you waste anyway?

    Do it. >.>

    Oct 26, 2016

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  • Hi.

    How are you?

    Also, I think you lost a k somewhere D:

    Sins Ermahgerd, hi.

    I'm splendid, thanks! How are you doing?

    (It's still there dw, it's just silent now)

    Oct 18, 2016

    Deanie I'm good :) Mostly snowed in with school. Whatcha been up to?

    (Ooh, okay ;))

    Oct 20, 2016

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  • When I first joined YWS, I'd look at members who were, like, 18 and think damn, that's so old and mature. Now here I am at 20-years-old, and I laugh at 13-year-old me. I laugh so hard.

    Blues Psssssssht. 18-year-old me was so much more mature than me now.
    Oct 17, 2016

    I thought 25 yo's were scary old people.

    Oct 17, 2016

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  • Anyone fancying a job as a beta reader right now? Will pay you in undying love and endless reviews.

    Holysocks Yesh
    Oct 14, 2016

    Sins ily

    It's The Boy Who Broke Mirrors, so you're probably an ideal candidate! Have I sent it to you already? I have bad memory ok.

    Oct 14, 2016

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  • Kinda want to do NaNo this year, kinda also really lazy.

    ChieTheWriter Same
    Oct 11, 2016

  • #fivereasonstosmile (tagged by @Twit and @Lightsong)

    Not going to lie, this was rather difficult as I've had the worst past month or so. But. Doing this was good because it made me think of the positive stuff going on right now.

    Spoiler! :
    1. I've only been back in uni a week or so, and it's already heaps better than it was last year. I slightly hated last year. Touch wood, things will continue, and this year will continue being awesome.

    2. After not writing for a while, I've finally started writing my current novel again. I'm not hating everything I'm writing either, so it's a win-win.

    3. I'm 18 reviews away from earning my next review star. It's so close i can almost taste it.

    4. Despite the hiccups of recent, my head's in such a better place now than it was six months or so ago. I feel way less lonely, feel way more positive about my uni course, and am just generally a lot happier. I'm seeing things more positively too. If something shitty happens, I don't dwell on it like I used to, and I'm just like okay, what good could come out of this?

    5. I dealt awesomely with my social anxiety during freshers' week this year, if I may say so myself. I even took charge of social situations sometimes. I'm keeping it up well so far too, and forcing myself to take that extra step to socialise is all it takes. I don't even have to be drunk to do it, it's great.

    I'm tagging, uh... I feel like everyone has done this already. I tag everyone who reads this ok.

  • Jashael
    Oct 2, 2016


    Also, my tenses are superb now.

    'Kay. Thanks. Bye.

    Oct 2, 2016

  • Uni is going well. Well, I say uni, but none of the actual work has started yet. I'm currently just spending my days in a drunken haze, which I'm sure is 100% healthy.

  • Looking forward to uni for the socialising opportunities, but also dreading uni for the socialising opportunities.


    Pretzelstick #inception
    Sep 14, 2016

  • Rosendorn
    Sep 11, 2016

    Just in case you didn't see my tag, more Cat Steps is up!

    Sins Yup! In fact, Im about to take a gander over to it now :P
    Sep 12, 2016

  • Lightsong
    Sep 9, 2016

    Hey, I remember your interest in reviewing my novel... are you still interested? If you are, I'd like to tell I've reinvented it, and here's the first chapter... The Last Light Companion [Chapter 1.1] :D

    Sins Oh awesome, yeah! I'll definitely take a look :)
    Sep 9, 2016

    Lightsong Thanks! :D
    Sep 9, 2016

  • Rosendorn
    Aug 5, 2016

    So... Cat Steps?

    Sins hihi, apologies for taking decades. I've had a hectic past month or so (well, few months really), but should be able to get to it soon!
    Aug 10, 2016

  • Does anyone want a completed, though horrifically imperfect, novel to review over summer?

    Cos I got me one of them ones.

If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there.
— George Harrison