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  • This is just me wanting to say I love you all (always and forever) and I hope you and your families have been keeping well during this pandemic.

    Tell me something fun/ cool that's happened in your life or on YWS while I've not been around!

    I'm going to try to pop in a little more often but I'm still not writing enough/ finding the motivation to actually be a creative at the moment.

    I've done a lot of jigsaws and planted some more herbs and some veggies for my indoor garden and I'm still very involved in my local board games community. I've also done some more paint by numbers and I'm hoping to take a week off work soon and see if that helps motivate me to get back to my novel or at least some poetry. My boyfriend and I are also moving in together in a few months so that's going to be pretty cool, he's coming to live at mine and then we're going to look for a place to buy next year.

    niteowl Hi! I haven’t been around YWS as much since NaPo, but I feel like the site overall has gotten more active in the last few months, which is a wonderful thing.

    I finally found a better job just in time. Like literally my first day was March 23rd when my state shut down. I’ve been working at home ever since and I’m slightly less anxious about getting fired now that I’ve made it four whole months (I still have anxiety from getting fired at three months, but so far I feel like this has been a much better fit than that job and they don’t expect me to be an expert in a month). Poetry-wise, I’ve been writing in fits and spurts since NaPo, mostly on my LMS project.Glad to hear you’re doing well and hope you get that writing bug soon! <3

    Jul 26, 2020

    Mageheart Oh my gosh, hi! It's been ages since I talked to you. :)

    Nothing too exciting has happened to me lately, but I've started working on a podcast again - so there's that! I also went to a writing conference for the first time since high school - which technically wasn't that long ago, but it was great getting to meet other writers (digitally) face-to-face!

    I hope you're doing good right now. <3

    Jul 26, 2020

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  • Apricity <3
    Jan 30, 2020

    Mageheart <3
    Jan 30, 2020

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  • Magestorrow wrote:
    Ahoy, mateys!

    Pirates @Featherstone and @Magestorrow are running a workshop on on the basics of storybooking. We'll be going over the differences between roleplays, Double-Trouble Writing Huddle threads and storybooks, while also giving some tips on how to write each type. Alternatively, you can treat it as a Q&A session and ask us whatever questions about storybooking.

    It'll run for two hours at most, but you're free to drop whenever you'd like!

    We hope to see you there!


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    Mageheart Thanks for the repost!
    Jul 11, 2019

  • The best month of the year!

    Omnom wrote:JULY IS HERE

    Which means! YWU and SBMo has launched!

    What?! Learn more about them below

    Storybook Month Is Here!
    Return of the Storybook Month
    The Universe Hub
    Announcing: Young Writers Universe

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  • Magestorrow wrote:I'm back again with another survey! If you can spare just a few minutes, I'd really appreciate if you looked over the Storybook Survey. Like with the Review Day Survey, responses from people who storybook and from those who don't would be incredibly appreciated.

    (By storybooking, I mean anyone who posts in storybook, DTWH or roleplay threads.)

    There's questions geared towards both groups of people, so hopefully that will make things a little easier this time! <3

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    Mageheart Thanks for the repost!
    Feb 2, 2019

  • I'm going to be AFK for a time - I don't know how long but I have a few life things to sort out. I promise I'll be back and I'm very sorry for disappearing without a trace for the last few weeks! Much love to you all <3

    Mageheart I hope things work out well for you, Rydia. <3
    Jan 14, 2019

    alliyah <3
    Jan 14, 2019

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  • The cake is a lie...

    alliyah wrote:
    YWS's Birthday Week has begun!

    Don't forget to send your birthday greetings over to the Birthday Cake Thread and watch out for other celebratory events throughout the week! :smt003


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    alliyah *searches for cake that Rydia hid somewhere*
    Nov 9, 2018

    zaminami It's in a portal. I saw Rydia hide it.
    Nov 9, 2018

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  • Just a week to go so I'm going to start creating my own characters soon but if you're looking for some spooky fun, why not come join us and be a Monster Hunter too?

    365 Days as a Monster Hunter

  • Saen wrote:

    Happy Spooktober, YWS!


    Today officially kicks off Spooktober! Us mods have prepared all sorts of fun activities, contests and workshops for you - all of which you can see if you click on that link - but I just wanted to give you the inside scoop on some of the spooky things that are happening over in the Storybooks section of the site!

    @Omnom is hosting a Storybook Challenges Workshop today and tomorrow. If you've always been curious on how to make an interesting, fun challenge, you should swing by the thread for the workshop and check out the time slots!

    @Rydia is running a very, very spooky storybook called 365 Days as a Monster Hunter that will continue to run even after All Hallow's Eve has passed. If you have that one monster hunter character that you've been dying to write about - or even just a human who knows that monsters exist - then this storybook is for you.

    And yours truly is running a Halloween roleplay called The Castle on the Hill, where the characters mysteriously end up in front of a terrifying castle straight out of Hollywood - and have to do with the slew of cliche horror antagonists that inhabit it as they try to figure out why they were brought there in the first place.

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  • Cadi <3
    Oct 17, 2018

  • Realising I need more than 1000 review to catch @Snoink and that only 21 people ever have done more than 1000 reviews. And I have to do that number again. This might never happen xD

    Snoink Have faith! You can do it! Nowadays, I'm now mostly reviewing art at my website, and that like... doesn't count at all to the YWS count. You still have a chance! ;)
    Sep 17, 2018

    Rydia Good, stay distracted! I want to at least get within a few hundred of you so I can feel safe in the knowledge that someone is going to have to work just as hard to steal my second place (@Deanie and @BlueAfrica I'm looking at you!)
    Sep 18, 2018

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  • Just back from Prague so give me a day or two to catch up and then I'll be vaguely active around here again xD

    Audy Everyone knows that means something's up right?

    It's not just me watching over my back, right?

    Aug 17, 2018

    Rydia You, my dear, are far too suspicious :) (but it may well save your life some day...)
    Aug 17, 2018

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  • I failed to donate blood again, though this time it's because I have thin veins and the volunteer thought she could put the needle in but she nicked the wrong side and had to take it out. They've got a strict rule about not trying again even with the other arm if they do that but the good news is I can try again in a week when it heals. And I passed the iron test with ease this time so that's good at least!

    demoncat i applaud you for being able to do even that. i hate needles, shots, blood drawing devices, the likes of witch just terrify me.... (shiver) but im happy you are able to do something as charitable as donating blood... just wanted to say that...
    Jun 5, 2018

    BluesClues @demoncat #same . Like I feel like I ought to donate blood, but...needles.
    Jun 5, 2018

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  • So I don't jump on these bandwagons often but the recent #periodtalk is something which really hit home for me and which I think should be openly discussed more often.

    I've always suffered from heavy, painful flow, the kind where you don't get the option between pads and tampons - I need both. I think it's hereditary because my mum always told me when the flow is bad you can use two tampons and tie the ends together so you don't have to change after only two hours. I do this pretty much all the time but I've since found from friends that they can go for 6 hours with a single tampon, even at the top of their flow.

    So yeah, periods are different for everyone and for some people the bleeding is the worst of it, for others it's the painful cramps or the mood swings.

    For me it's definitely the cramps. I sometimes don't want to get out of bed, let alone walk the 30 minutes to the train station, be crammed in on the train and then spend hours slumped in an office chair trying to concentrate on work while also trying to breathe deeply. I'm generally anti medication since a bad experience with morphine at the age of 11 and my period challenges this nearly every month. And sometimes I give in, sometimes I don't, but it reminds me that sometimes we have to do what's best for us in the now and not what we believe is best in the long term.

    Birth control unfortunately doesn't work for me as it sends my hormones into hyper-drive and I found that harder to cope with than the cramps. I tried it once in my teens and again in my early twenties but both types failed to fully stop the period (admittedly I only managed 3/4 months of the 6 month trial) and while the cramps were hugely reduced, the mood swings were not manageable. Breaking into tears in the middle of a class for no apparent reason is unsettling. So I have great sympathy for people who have the mood swings as a standard part of their period. That's thankfully the one part of mine which is minimal.

    People are made to feel ashamed for their period and nobody should feel that way about something they can't control. Sometimes it starts unexpectedly, especially if you're irregular, and if you're stuck in school or work, you have to clean up as best as you can, get some supplies and suck it up, which isn't always easy to do. I expect most girls, like me, carry a bathroom bag with them to school/ work but there should be a law that every public bathroom should have some kind of sanitary products for a reasonable price.

    People also shouldn't be embarrassed about asking the question 'is this normal' but unfortunately there's this huge stigma around periods because it's icky and half the population don't know enough about them. For years, I was terrified that I was seriously sick because I get quite a lot of blood clots and its only been as I've got older that I've felt the confidence to ask the question 'is this normal'. If people can't even ask their friends and peers the question, we have no chance of getting them to ask a doctor and there could be a real issue getting worse all the time which they're too embarrassed to confront.

    Anyway, thanks @BlueAfrica for opening a really healthy dialogue!

    Rydia Oh and for anyone who's curious about what clots can be caused by, there's a whole range of things but for me, it seems to be linked to my iron deficiency. Since giving blood, its become a more common issue and I'm currently on a 4 month ban, (though it's lifted this month, whoo!), as I failed the iron test last time quite significantly. It's a real pain as the worse it gets, the more likely I am to have blood clots/ heavy periods and the more likely I am to not be able to donate blood.
    May 24, 2018

    Rosendorn the dialogue was actually started by @Kale!
    May 24, 2018

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  • Correct answers get you zero points since I don't think there's anyone left on this site who doesn't know my name. Smart answers however...


    StellaThomas Oonagh.
    Apr 11, 2018

    mellifera Overlord
    Apr 11, 2018

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'The Answer to the Great Question... Of Life, the Universe and Everything... Is... Forty-two,' said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.
— Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy