I took my friend to the fair, she forced me to go on a REALLY scary ride, and this is how I felt.
Mageheart Also, I understand that was the original Jackie, and that you've been using Jackie 2.0 in roleplays. Do you want to have a second version of the RP with the newer Jackie instead?
Aug 28, 2016
Mageheart @soundofmind, I thought you should see this post. Also, @JokerWritingWorks, what do you think about a second version following the original rules?
Aug 30, 2016
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captainearth this is me at bush garden on the cobra's cures
Aug 14, 2016
Just made a script with my best friend, It's like a murder comedy. Here's one of the lines:
Ann Marie and Susan are in room,
Susan: Wow I can't believe I did that.
Ann Marie: Me neither.
Mom: Honey, i'm coming up.
Susan (Yells loudly) HIDE THE BODY!
(Me and my friend were laughing so hard at that.)
Lightsong Oh god. xD
Aug 12, 2016
For those who were on chat when . . . the incident happened. The swelling went down a lot, and now I am fine!
Thanks to those on chat for your concern
Payne Me, most days
Aug 4, 2016
I know this is the most ridiculous Question on earth
What is your Halloween costume gonna be this year?
wakarimasen I don't celebrate Halloween, but I've already started jotting down notes for my costume for another occasion. Do we share a telepathic connection?
Jul 29, 2016
megsug From Watchmen? Very good choice!
Jul 29, 2016
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deleted21 If I find out that I answered differently, I just assume that my one was correct!! XD
Aug 5, 2016
ChieTheWriter ME
Jul 22, 2016
soundofmind YES
Jul 22, 2016
deleted21 Most of the time, that's my mother! XD
Aug 5, 2016
took a personality quiz today about which dead (derp) Game Of Thrones character I am . . .
(Throws a fit)
hey guys, I have a serious problem:
We might have to up my Medication which puts me at risk of Steven Johnson Syndrome. Or we can take off a essential medication which could cause something worse. Please wish for the best. I honestly don't want to die either way.
JuliasSneezer I only just saw this, and I'm sorry that I couldn't say it sooner, but You've got my prayers.
Jul 27, 2016
Dutiful There's a reason they say vacation is heaven
Also have a nice summer!
May 27, 2016
Mageheart *holds up pill from A Chance Meeting* The reason why Jackie ran out of this so long ago may or may not have been because a certain Magestorrow stole one after seeing how useful they were.
It healed both Jackie and Margaret, so it should work!
May 27, 2016
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Aug 28, 2016