I only have two of her songs, though. ;-;
I need to make sure to get more.
I did see the season finale, I was so upset..stupid Andy! A friend of mine came over to watch it, we re both rolling around on the floor moaning at the end..maybe we were being a little bit dramatic, but we were extremely upset.
I loved the gag about Kevin being retarded, though, that was classic!
Yeh, the movie was brilliant. It was a major factor in my love for Converse shoes... which, let's face it, are the best shoes in the world. :D I've heard the book is good. Should probably give it a try myself.
Yay, friends! :P Ooh, you like "I, Robot"! Am I to assume this is the Will Smith movie, or some other "I, Robot" that I have never heard of?
Your av is hilarious!!! Heh, and thanks for checking out my blog. Yeah, the algebra freakout is SO not over yet. Eek!
Thanks! :)
Oh, and yet another amazing avatar is hovering by your name! :shock:
Hey, thanks for signing my guest book! I guess I should return the favor...
Sorry it's been really long since you signed mine but I was busy with competitions and all that other gymnast stuff.
And your right on....gymnastics is awsome!
See you!
I'm supposed to be studying for a test but I'm out on an escapade signing guestbooks.
[i:dfd9dade17][size=24:dfd9dade17][color=violet:dfd9dade17]Mizz Iceberg [/color:dfd9dade17][/size:dfd9dade17][/i:dfd9dade17]
Jul 23, 2008
Thankies! =D