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Young Writers Society

Nadya Statham

About Nadya

Hey there! My name is Nadya.

This is just the most amazing song ever. I never knew about this song, until YWS whispered it to me and it's been in my playlist ever since ^^

I love everything that has to do with Marvel and Harry Potter.

I like fiction; fantasy stories, mostly with magic and dark turns, brutal realities are also my thing.

Tunes; CrashAdams, ElevatorBoys & OneDirection


Music, Reading, Watching Netflix (a lot)


Busy Being An Amazing Fiction Writer



Maybe what most people wanted wasn't immortality and fame, but the reassurance that their existence had meant something. No matter how long... or how brief. Maybe being eternal meant becoming a story worth telling.
— Roshani Chokshi, Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality