Mrs Elizabeth Darcy
- 48 reviews • Page 1 of 4 • 1, 2, 3, 4
Sorry, this should have been a review. It's the same as the comment below :P I'm looking forward to this story. (I was in Mock Trial for four years, so ...
Oct 2, 2012
Sad... Badly this intentional? You're distracted or crying so you hammer this out without paying attention to capitalisation, &c? Or maybe it's supposed to be sort of in texting style? ...
Dec 8, 2011
Okay! Welcome to YWS! I like this poem. The love in it is fairly unsullied and it definitely provokes a reaction. I can see her in my head, and I'm ...
Dec 8, 2011
Awesome. I wrote something like this once!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Screwtape Letters. LOVE them. They are AWESOME. Although this obviously isn't Lewis, it has several extremely accurate points ...
May 17, 2011
:D I love the last few lines...but who are you talking about, and what is he doing? I'm glad he proved not to be a coward...but what was she asking ...
Mar 8, 2011
Oh my! First off, very consistent wording. Nicely done. :) (The poem looks very pretty!) Okay, the attraction here is interesting. Apparently she's a total jerk? Except for frilly things ...
Mar 8, 2011
:) Meeeh, 93's not all that. Although I do know a lot more about how to argue than I did... Love it. Take me with you when you go and ...
Mar 8, 2011
Rafter, drafter, be after, chase after, come after, go after, hereafter, lech after, look after, point after, quest after, sought after, take after, thereafter, actor, factor. Most of these end ...
Mar 8, 2011
Aww! I really like this! The only thing I can really say is that the dash on the third line shouldn't be there, just a comma. But this poem is ...
Mar 8, 2011
Cool! Don't change the content. Keep the content. It's awesome. And meaningful. *bows in respect* Clarity is the only thing here...clarity and a couple of commas and weird capitalisations...but conten
Mar 8, 2011
I get a strange feeling from this poem that you dislike where did this feeling come from? If that is what you meant, could you try to make it ...
Mar 8, 2011
wrists hurt just reading this poem. Errgh. I don't think I'm old enough for this stuff--thank you for the 'morbid' warning. :smt118 Do you know people who cut themselves? I ...
Mar 8, 2011
Romeo and Juliet storyline? I haven't read the story. If so, well done expressing it in a few lines, so that I sort of know what's going on :) Aside ...
Mar 8, 2011
Awww. :( So sad! I can only imagine what losing a dad must be like. And the dad himself addressing the son about his loss? Great. Awful. One thing: I ...
Mar 8, 2011
Hmm... I enjoyed the poem. The premise was solid and understandable, it had good repetition in parts, and I liked the rhythm and rhyme. *mutters incoherently about free verse.* It ...
Mar 8, 2011
- 48 reviews • Page 1 of 4 • 1, 2, 3, 4