
Young Writers Society


Photo of MeadowLark

About MeadowLark

I have two steeds Georgia [a 20 yr Appaloosa] and Brigan [7 yr Quarter Horse] who give me plenty of laughs and adventures. I also have four dogs, eight cats, six sheep, dozens of chickens, ten cows, a canary and an amazing family. Who all inspire me to write what I do and all have my love.


Horses, Writing, Video Games, Astronomy, Reading, Ranching, History, Learning, Quading, Theatre, Cirque du Soleil, Animals, Cavalia, Looking for adventures


I was a trail guide...

The most important thing is to preserve the world we live in. Unless people understand and learn about our world, habitats, and animals, they won't understand that if we don't protect those habitats, we'll eventually destroy ourselves.
— Jack Hanna