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  • ๐ŸฅบSorry im super late but thank you all for the birthday wishes๐Ÿ˜

  • How many POV characters is too many. I have over 20 potentially planned but I will use no more than 5-7 per book and I am planning a great battle for the last one and all of them will receive a chapter and the main characters will get 2 or 3

  • Does anyone have a cool made up word for King?

  • To put it simply, i did put the book out there but due to pressing family matters, I was left depressed and angry about the whole situation. I didnt finish my rewrite, I didnt advertise, and I have barely had anytime to write anything nor have I felt like it. But that was then... This is now. I plan on taking it slow. Go back to just enjoying writing and when something comes up as far as releases I'll notify... Im thinking of releasing some work for free on here and other platforms. Right now, Im leaning back and woriing on my craft as I make some money doing other things.

    Thanks if you cared and thanks if you didnt. I just wanted to update. I promise more is coming.

    2 new projects in the works...๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“š

  • Its. Been. A. Rollercoaster.๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ต

  • Its been delay after delay but I think Im finally on track to truly have a release while its not exactly when I wanted its still soon (March-April)

    I guess I give a little info... If anyone is interested.

    Flies In The Dark is a novel in verse with planned Volumes.

    Vol. 1 follows Austin, a young man in his senior year of highschool. Caught between his broken home and his future he finds love, in a girl named Marie.

    While following these teens Flies In The Dark covers a range of things, such as, mental health, poverty, art, love, and much more.

    I forgot to mention that if anyone has anything they want me to read I am happy to do so.

  • The release and all that is still being worked out but it is soon and I will post a little something if anybody wants to read before the release. I will try to keep updating. To be honest its totally different from anything I have read on here but I hope some if not all of you will give it a chance ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ˜

  • Its been a while since Ive been on here. Looking at my last post I will say that I think I found something that has never been done and can rival the greatness and popularity of a dragon. Second, I wanna say that I just I tried being on here ever day but couldnt because I have been trying to what will soon be MY DEBUT NOVEL.

  • If there is anybody out there can you help me with what seems like an impossible task?

    If you are brave enough... Here it is:

    What would be a cooler more dangerous creature than a Dragon?

    No dinosaurs, no griffins, no Sphinx (im using that already) no serpents/reptiles, no nothing with scales of any kind. Something new, something fresh.

    This... This is your task. Thank you

    sylrie Well there are options. If you want established mythological creatures there are probably plenty stronger than dragons. If you want fresh and new, creating your own new creature could do that, in which case you want to determine how it is more dangerous. Is it a stealthy killer? Is it a fast one? A magical one? Pure power/durability? Perhaps the nature of its threat is ever changing? Just some questions to consider
    Dec 16, 2020

  • I want too much...

    I want more time to write. Truly I have all the time in the world. But not truly.

    Im not the greatest writer of all time but I want my writing to be the greatest of all time.

    It has taken years for this one piece and it may take many more. Life moves too fast. The book world seems to be like a factory night club.

    1. You have to hurry and write what sells.
    2. You cant get in unless you know somebody.

    I want the Mahabharata and Ramayana. The A Song of Ice and Fire, The Lord of The Rings, In Search Of Lost Time (which is what im doing most of the time).

    Ugh... I want too much... But...

  • Lionhero333
    Nov 10, 2020

    Can someone tell me how to put my work in a folder. My work wont show up in my portfolio but shows up in the All Literary section

    Random avatar
    NastyMajesty @Lionhero333,
    First: Settings -> Profile -> Edit Portfolio
    Next, there should be a list of your folders, beginning with Unsorted. Click on one of them with the works you want to move.
    After you do that, the works in that folder should be listed below the description textbox. Under each work, there's a little tab. If you click it, a list of the names of all your existing folders will appear.
    Click on whichever folder you want to move your work to and then scroll down and click submit. Your work should move into that folder and show up in that folder on your portfolio.

    To get to them from your portfolio go to your portfolio tab on your profile. Next, on the left hand side, there should be tabs with all your folders. If you click on each one, the folder and all the works inside it will appear.

    I hope this helped! :D Good luck!

    Nov 15, 2020

    Lionhero333 Thanks NastyMajesty
    Nov 29, 2020

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  • Sapphire & Blood Chapter 1.1 posted. Please leave feedback(even if its not a review) and I'll do the same for you

  • Been a while since I been on here.

    I just wanna say that I hope you guys like what I have in store and I look forward to ready all of you guys work.

    For those looking for Seekers Chapters I will be reposting them soon. Along with Sapphire & Blood.

    I've never had friends and I hope in some way. I meet some hereโค๐Ÿค“

    looseleaf <3
    Nov 10, 2020

The words you speak become the house you live in.
— Hafiz