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I need to write a short story, it has a 2000 word limit and I have like no actual idea what I'm going to write about because I have writers block -.-" I've been sat in the computer room for 2 hours 20 mins and I've written 132 words... FML...
LilySoulMahon i jumped up a year -.-" im 17 ffs... wish i was 18 ahhhh welllll
Feb 3, 2011
I really think I need to buy a word document for my computer because I'm a little annoyed about my spelling mistaked now -.-"
I am getting better but yeah, its annoying...
Funkymomo mistaked. LOL ( literally)
Jan 30, 2011
LilySoulMahon I realised after I typed but I thought, cba, not in the mood today.
Jan 31, 2011
Really want my writers block to go away. My pieces are ok but not the standard I want
I really want my ears finishing Like woah... Need money...
Seriously think I'm addicted...
liquiddeath *gives lily a dollar* There.
Jan 23, 2011
LilySoulMahon I don't think they take dollars haha, but thankies
Jan 23, 2011
MilkNCookies =O D=
Jan 17, 2011
lovethelifeulive owwwwwwwww!
ee, oh, ow, ugh, nea!
Jan 17, 2011
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Getting my Colarbone pierced tomorrow I think, haha. Three in a row! Ouch.
Demeter :0 sounds scary!
Jan 16, 2011
LilySoulMahon Meh, it'll be cool and once its done its going to be worth it. My nape freaked me out though. God, I almost ran out the shop.
Jan 16, 2011
Had twelve piercings when I woke, then by six I had thirteen, now because of an infected Helix I am back down to twelve before bed. Not impressed. Never get a piercing with a gun...
liquiddeath Haha, i remember my little sister got a piecing when she was 1 by a gun. That day was the most annoying day ever. (since she was crying the whole day)
Jan 14, 2011
LilySoulMahon Well getting your lobes done by a gun's fine, though its not really done anymore. However, anything else is really dangerous and on any part of the ear can destroy your cartilidge. Mum took me to get it ages back and forgot to tell me about that. Now im like piercing obsessed and always complain to her about it. Lol.
Jan 14, 2011
ehte92 Yaay.... *bows down to congratulate*
Jan 10, 2011
LadySpark nice!
Jan 10, 2011
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A little confused by my emotions right now.
They're effecting my writing skills...
I want a badge
No idea how I get it but I know I want it, Grrr. Im such a little kid.
liquiddeath Your reviewing like crazy, why don't you ask someone to nominate you for review 1?
Jan 8, 2011
liquiddeath You're*
Jan 8, 2011
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liquiddeath Congrats XD
Jan 8, 2011
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Apr 7, 2011