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Young Writers Society


  • Snip Snip
    Nov 6, 2005

    OMG! Hey you big bitch! I love you! Just poppin in, Jen's a dork but we all love her, right? As unpopular as she is, she is the COOLEST DORK ALIVE! EVERYONE GIVE JEN A HUG!

  • Elocina
    Nov 4, 2005

    To: Jennafina

    From: C's Mental Institution


    Hello. 'Sup?
    Hope you're having as much fun reading this as I did writing it.


  • little x soldier
    Oct 30, 2005

    Yay!... Bonjour Mademoiselle.
    Ca va?

    What am I supposed to say in a guestbook?


i think. i want to become. something.
— chrysanthemumcentury