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  • When you’re @BluesClues’ biggest fan…

    Spoiler! :

    (Not pictured, my physical copy of Edna that’s on loan to my sister).

    Carlito .....jealous that you already have a copy of lonely spirits!!
    Jan 29, 2025

    IcyFlame @Carlito you cannot imagine the excitement I had when it turned up at my door yesterday!
    Jan 30, 2025

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  • BluesClues wrote:Hey, friends! Who's ready for... a workshop?

    Idea to Plot

    Ideas can come from anywhere, no matter how weird or wondrous. But going from that initial flash of inspiration to a workable plot ready to be written into a story can be much more challenging, even for veteran writers.

    In this workshop, we'll explore one method for building a story idea out from a flash of inspiration. The workshop will be held on WFP, and the pad will open half an hour before the workshop starts. Be there or be square!

    Tell your friends!

    Thank you so much to @Wolfi for this cool graphic <333


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  • Que wrote:Results are in for the 2024 Best and Most Awards! Check them out by clicking the image below:


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  • Belated thank you for all the cake day wishes! 1 more year until 15 years… *gulp*

  • SquillsBot wrote:Did you know your articles could be featured on Squills?

    That’s right! Squills accepts submissions from members of the site outside of our staff. Writing an article for Squills is a fun way to exercise your writing skills, put your thoughts in a cool format for an audience and connect with other YWSers.

    The kind of articles we’re looking for:
      - PG and family friendly. Thoughtful discussion of serious topics is welcomed though we practice using content warnings.
      - Articles about writing, the writing process, or the creative process generally. A good example of an article directly about writing is Icy’s tips for proofreading. A good example of something creative in general is mint’s Graphic Design series.
      - Articles about stuff you’ve read, recommendations and reviews - though keep in mind to keep quotes from other sources to a few paragraphs, max, if you’re using them! A good example of a book review article is: Icy’s reading log or redcarnation’s summer reads suggestions. You could also spend a whole article reviewing a single book, in-depth!
      - Puzzles, crosswords, spot the difference, and the like
      - Comic strips (with accompanying text, such as any dialogue in the comic strips, sent as well for accessibility reasons)
      - Pitch us your ideas! We’ll get back to you ASAP on whether it’s something fit for Squills :D

    How to submit:

    PM your article to SquillsBot, including any BBcode into a code field as below:

    Code: Select all
    [code]Your text here [/code]

    Please note that the Squills staff edit all articles before posting, including submissions from you. If you’ve submitted at least a week before the deadline, we’ll send you the final copy, and you can PM us back if you’d like to discuss any of the edits we made. So when it comes to submitting, the earlier the better! Or you can ask for your article to be kept for the following month’s issue.

    The deadline to be posted for the following Squills is the day before the last day of the month. If your article doesn’t get in for that month’s issue of Squills, don’t fret - you’ll simply be lined up for the next month’s issue.

    Feel free to ask us any questions by PMing SquillsBot!

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  • Honestly debating staying up until midnight just for this... how often do you get a workshop from such an accomplished human bean? Mark your calendars!

    BluesClues wrote:Hey, friends! Who's ready for... a workshop?

    Idea to Plot

    Ideas can come from anywhere, no matter how weird or wondrous. But going from that initial flash of inspiration to a workable plot ready to be written into a story can be much more challenging, even for veteran writers.

    In this workshop, we'll explore one method for building a story idea out from a flash of inspiration. The workshop will be held on WFP, and the pad will open half an hour before the workshop starts. Be there or be square!

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    BluesClues 🥺
    Jan 17, 2025

  • OrabellaAvenue :)
    Oct 7, 2024

  • Spearmint wrote:

    Renaming NaNo to NovMo

    Hello! You may have noticed that your friendly neighborhood Gen Lit mods have been using Novel Month (or "NovMo") instead of National Novel Writing Month (or "NaNo") in all our official announcements. Here's the reasoning behind that change:

    • Using NovMo separates YWS from the trademarked NaNoWriMo and the NaNoWriMo site's stances. The "official" NaNo website has been rather controversial lately. We'd like to distance YWS from that and emphasize that we're a safe place for young writers to share their writing.
    • NaNoWriMo stands for "National Novel Writing Month", and YWS is really an international site, so Novel Month is both more accurate and more inclusive.

    What does that mean for you? Well, we're not going to force anyone to call it NovMo, of course! =P NovMo is simply the language we're going to officially use for our November novel-writing event.

    Feel free to reach out with any further questions, and happy NovMoing! ^-^

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  • It's happening!!!

    Spearmint wrote:The 2024 PlanMo challenges have been posted!! This year, we'll be having some special Spooktober challenges as well, which will be posted on October 11.

    Check out the fancy badges too~

    Pantser - awarded for completing 1-4 PlanMo challenges

    Plantser - awarded for completing 5-9 PlanMo challenges

    Planner - awarded for completing 10+ PlanMo challenges

    PlanMo Spooktober - awarded for completing 1+ spooky PlanMo challenge

    Note that spooky challenges count for the first three badges as well, and that they'll be posted on 10/11/24. Happy PlanMoing!! :3

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  • I am completely obsessed with this poster too

    LuminescentAnt wrote:Image

    Post your cool pictures here!!

    (Click the image)

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    Quillfeather It genuinely makes me kinda happy to see it
    Oct 4, 2024

    LuminescentAnt Aw thank you both!
    Oct 4, 2024

  • update: spookiness level is rising

    IcyFlame wrote:it's time - release the spooky!

    IcyFlame wrote:it's almost tiiiiiiime

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  • it's time - release the spooky!

    IcyFlame wrote:it's almost tiiiiiiime

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  • LadyMysterio I don't know if this was your intention but "all I want for Christmas" started playing in my head
    Sep 30, 2024

    BluesClues @LadyMysterio my kind of person lolol
    Sep 30, 2024

  • Squills Fan Club wrote:Beep boop bop! Read the September issue of Squills for a recap of Review 103, some anticipation for October vibes and events, as well as our regular columns!



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  • when you come back after a week of holiday and have more YWS notifs to catch up on than emails... xD

    Snoink SORRY.
    Sep 23, 2024

    IcyFlame You should be.
    Sep 24, 2024

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Someday, everything is going to go right for you, and it will be so wonderful you won't even know what to do.
— Hannelore Ellicott-Chatham, Questionable Content