GeeLyria Welcome back!
Feb 25, 2013
HorsebackWriter Thank you b
Feb 25, 2013
My little 4 yr old cousin just told me, "Whitty, you look fat. Mabe its your boobies."
Mikko xD
Dec 17, 2011
fireheartedkaratepup O.O
Um, since she's 4... take it as a compliment?
Dec 17, 2011
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The winter season has offically come where I live. Guess who's had the flu all week.
I've felt like shit over this whole divorce BS. I'm sooo glad I'm back in the mood to write.
My grandmother's moving back to new York, and she went behind my back and got me a new computer. I was almost completely finished with the letters, but now my files are all gone. Greeeeaaaatttt.
The real reason I haven't been on for a while is because my grandparents (who've been together for thirty years) are in the middle of a messy divorce, and they just had to drag my pregnant mother into it, and she was put on bed rest until she had the baby. That being said, my family is being torn apart and I haven't had time to write, what with school and my chores and my mom's chores. Can someone please tell me why the hell I'm living in a nightmare?
That was a fun night in the hospital. Next time I do a backflip off a diving board, I need to make sure I have enough height. I don't want to hit me head again.
fireheartedkaratepup O.o
Sep 16, 2011
HorsebackWriter Tell me abou it.
Sep 17, 2011
I edited Addiction, to anyone who cares to read it. I think it's my best work yet.
joshuapaul nice edits
Aug 8, 2011
HorsebackWriter Thanks.
Aug 9, 2011
Next time I decide to do a high dive, remind me off these past few weeks. I wrenched my wrist and had to wear a cast. Oh well.
So, anything good come on lately while I was wallowing in my own self pity?
Feb 24, 2013