rayhutch5 *Cheers and claps*
Apr 4, 2011
HorsebackWriter *bows and kisses hand to crowd as a thank you*
Apr 4, 2011
HorsebackWriter No problem. It's what we're here for.
Apr 4, 2011
Soooo bored. So I came on here to brighten my mood. Maybe posting or editing will make me happier.
Qoh16 Of course! You get to tlk to cool people like me
Apr 4, 2011
HorsebackWriter Oh, that's right! I forgot about that.
Apr 4, 2011
Just got back from the local pizza parlor. Damn their cinnamon buns are good. I'm so full I thought I'd work off some calories on my computer. No one stop me I'm a woman on a mission. Even though I don't know what that mission is. And you can tell I'm on sugar high because I'm being totally random.
"Who's the greatest sinner in the world?" I've tried and tried, but I just can't figure it out!
HorsebackWriter Moses. He broke all of the ten commandments at once.
Apr 4, 2011
Demeter xDD
Apr 4, 2011
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HorsebackWriter Yo welcome.
Apr 3, 2011
lele253isme I loooooooooooooooove the avatar!!!!
Apr 3, 2011
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HorsebackWriter No prob.
Apr 3, 2011
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me
Fall Out Boy
From Under The Cork Tree, 2005
Check out the vid. It's quite great.
HorsebackWriter Ok, where is it?
Apr 3, 2011
Thanks for the follow! I really like your username; a few years ago on another forum my username was Mustang Writer, because mustangs are my favorite breed. ^.^ Do you own any horses?
HorsebackWriter Yeah, some. My family has a farm and I do most of my writing on Blaze, my, well, we really don't know what breed he is. See, my dad's the local vet and we rescued him from an abandoned barn. He was in really bad shape, and my parents wanted to put him down but I wouldn't let them. I nursed him, and we've been together for two years now. I did most of my writing on his back, so I'm HorsebackWriter.
Mar 26, 2011
Ranger Hawk Oh wow, that is an amazing story; I've always wanted a rescue horse (I worked at a rescue ranch for four years and it was a great experience).
Mar 26, 2011
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Sorry, I saw your name and it was really clever! So, I'm here to say, 'Welcome to YWS' !
HorsebackWriter Yeah, I know it's clever! I did most of my writing of my first book on horse back, so I'm HorseBack writer! I love your name to, and thanks for the welcome.
Mar 19, 2011
breathein1012 i totally agree its the awesomest name ever!!!
Mar 20, 2011
Hey welcome to YWS ! I'm Imagine feel free to ask me anything if you need help
Apr 4, 2011