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  • HorsebackWriter
    May 26, 2011

    Needs happy pills so bad she will kill for them. Somebody sedate meeeeeee! My badass cousin is driving me insane! If any of you every want to meet me, go to southern colorado and ask for the nearest insitution. I'll be in the rubber room bouncing up the walls.

    Yanni1995 ok so you want one? as in really, really want one? then come and get it.. you'll only have to travel to Benin, West Africa to get them... LOL... :)
    May 27, 2011

  • Hey, thanks for the follow! ^^

    HorsebackWriter No problem.
    May 26, 2011

  • You sound like an interesting person.

    HorsebackWriter Ummmmm, thanks.
    May 26, 2011

  • Yanni1995
    May 25, 2011

    Just finished reviewing on chapter three of the letters. hope it helps. i hate the way you ended it by the way cause it left me hanging and i hate stories like that but i loved it.. XD

    HorsebackWriter So you hate it but you loved it. Wow, I never realised what a great writer I am, making people feel two emotions at once.
    May 26, 2011

  • Just got out of bed. Now I'm walking back up the stairs to go back to bed, because I just found my least favorite cousin sleeping with his family on an air mattress in our living room.

    In my current state of mind, I need some Happy Pills. Anyone got any to spare?!?!?

    Yanni1995 I got one!! you want it? come and get it... XD
    May 25, 2011

    HorsebackWriter Hurry up and give it to me, they're making my life hell!!!!
    May 26, 2011

  • HorsebackWriter
    May 23, 2011

    Just posted a new chapter of The Letters. I know it's like, really short but the next chapter is going to be longer, promise! But I need some reviews to see how bad I did (I'm
    having so mamy mood swings amd major PMS, so I really can't tell if it was a crappy job or not!)

  • Shadowlight
    May 15, 2011

    I'm sorry for this random comment bu I MUST say I LOVE your name!!
    such a great play on words! that made my day...err... night!!!!

    HorsebackWriter Thanks I like you're name to.
    May 23, 2011

  • HorsebackWriter
    May 15, 2011

    Hey yall, what's been happening?

  • HorsebackWriter
    May 7, 2011

    Almost done with the third chapter of The Letters!

  • HorsebackWriter
    May 5, 2011

    i've been in a coma

    Yanni1995 oh really? how come?
    May 5, 2011

    HorsebackWriter I'm diabetic and the perscription got messed up in my doctor's cpu mainframe and I got the wrong meds and had a reaction. Hospitalized for 10 days. It would have been longer, but I hate that hospital and they couldn't find anything wrong other than I was real weak, so they let me check out. Good as new, I just need to take it easy.
    May 6, 2011

  • HorsebackWriter
    May 5, 2011

    well, I'm back! did anybody miss me?

    HorsebackWriter I guess not.
    May 6, 2011

  • Daisuki
    Apr 14, 2011

    Thank you for your review. I am so glad I could write something and impact somebody. You really lifted my spirits by saying that.

    HorsebackWriter You're welcome.
    Apr 20, 2011

  • Give me chocolate and no one gets hurt!

    I'm having a serious chocolate craving.

    Random avatar
    lele253isme The same, except its vanilla ice cream!!!!
    Apr 14, 2011

    HorsebackWriter Vanilla is okay, but I need chocolate.
    Apr 14, 2011

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  • I've got the whole house to myself! Silence is golden for once.

  • Posted a new chapter to one of my novels. Yay me! Oh, and I found out that my older best friend (she's twenty) is pregnant. Isn't the world a wonderful place. Yes Wes, Amanda's pregnant. Don't you have somethig better to do than stare over my shoulder?

Only the suppressed word is dangerous.
— Ludwig Borne